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first day with braces

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:05 pm
by braces@28
I just got my braces on yesterday afternoon and it didnt hurt
Today I feel some pressure! I am starving and can barely eat! How long should this last! I am currently regreting just because I feel like I look horrible and I can not eat:(

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:21 pm
by JoviFan
You'll need to eat soft foods for a couple days, jello, applesauce, pudding, mac and cheese, yogurt, baked/mashed potatoes...etc.....I'm on day 16 (wa hoo, lol) and they hardly bother me anymore, almost bothers me, cuz I'm from the 'old school' of 'no pain, no gain'.....but can eat alot of stuff, I just cut it into toddler sized pieces...yea, I still feel like I look funny, esp cuz I have very small teeth and the ceramic braces take up 90% of my teeth....oh well, keep telling myself it'll be soooo worth it in the end! !!!
Good luck! and give it a little time to get use to :)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:01 pm
by barbienightmare
hey I got mine one today and Im so hungry I was jere looking for eating advice or empathy too aand I just saw your post!

Im busy dribbling soup at the min slurping badly Im even embarrassed infromt of me own boyf even if he does find it funny!

I tried to take a bite of spagetti bolognaise earlier and first chew and suddenly I was in pain at the back so I spat it out !!
I hadnt had pain yet till then so its well put me off.
Im such a picker with food though I feel like my thoats been cut with no solids ! my second bowl of soup aint doing it for me!! but Im scared.
I swear nothing has ever stopped me eating some way or other, even after my root canal I got home went straing in the kitchen and had cold pizza folowed by cake and the rest ( I dribbled though )

any way I hear your cry Its horrid being hungry you suddenly crave everything!

also tea !! whats the crack there every sip and my teeth feel suddenly pulled tight for a sec !! ?? its not pain ful but weird and slightly addictive !

ps. mashed potatoe , good thinking , I may do with some cheese in a bit!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:10 pm
by Nawners
I think most archwires are heat activated, so when you drink something hot like tea, they pull harder on your teeth. Probably not what technically happens, but that's what it feels like!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:16 pm
by braces@28
thanks guys. the orthodontist said 15-18 months!
how do i get one of those trackers that you guys have?
sorry to sound like a baby!
my husband thinks its cute!! im scared to go in public again!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:27 pm
by gunter8888
THe first 3-4 days are the worst. Your lips have to adjust to the brackets and wires, the pressure can be painful and the appearance can be startling. However, it does pass quickly! I am at 2 weeks today and I hardly think about mine except when I brush/floss. When I do look at my new "grill" I get excited thinking about how great my teeth will look when its all done.

Hang in there. Enjoy some soft foods and know that it will get better.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:29 pm
by MarvinBrace
Hi braces@28,
I hope everything is ok with you. I have to tell you that with TIME you will get used to everything. Give it a good 2 to 3 weeks and you will see. :wink:

About the ticker you better go to the "how to" forum and read the steps and than go to the and make your own ticker.

Hope I could inform you enough. :lol:


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:30 pm
by barbienightmare
Nawners wrote:I think most archwires are heat activated, so when you drink something hot like tea, they pull harder on your teeth. Probably not what technically happens, but that's what it feels like!
yes wondered if there was some heat type reaction thing, if it is tighter when warmer then Im living on hot drinks then :wink:

Im well worried about going public too!

my bloke so far has done a lot of grinning at me ! and says I sound like elma fudd !


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:31 pm
by braces@28
Thanks for the advice so far!
mac&cheese has been my friend!
I tried to floss last night and it hurt so bad!
do i wait until it stops hurting or just suck it up and do it?!

Re: flossing?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:52 pm
by JoviFan
braces@28 wrote:Thanks for the advice so far!
mac&cheese has been my friend!
I tried to floss last night and it hurt so bad!
do i wait until it stops hurting or just suck it up and do it?!
I 'sucked it up and did it' ! LOL --- it really does get better - after 2 weeks I get a tooth here or there that is tender to floss, but figure that's improvement/movement :)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:30 pm
by Sweet Escape
Yep, I'm on day 3 and my teeth are sore and tender and I'm only eating soft foods. I guess it will be like this for a week or 2.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:54 pm
by onedayperfect
14 days into braces, I have eaten everything put in front of me. Chew through the pain alittle, and in a few days everything will be fine.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:28 pm
by Mel-UK
28: I think you should just floss, because otherwise you'll get a build up of plaque pretty quickly- it gets easier honest! The first days are the worst just getting used to the braces. I've found that soup is the best thing. And salt water really does make a difference and the wax.

Good luck!