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YES,i finally got treatment and it didnt cost that much

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:42 pm
by mila j
i have braces,just got um on two weeks ago.(after 8 extractions)
me and my dentist worked out a plan so i only had to pay $512 to have theme placed then i pay $512 next month again and from the third month for 28 more months i pay $125 a month
so is that a good deal or what?
and i have a question...all this work was done in Oklahoma but im moving to California next month i want to know if monthly payments will still be the same or will i have to pay extra

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:02 pm
by platinum
well if you stay with your ortho, I don't see any reasons that payments would change.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:07 pm
by Kat
That's $4,514 thats at least $2,700 less than what I'm paying.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:37 pm
by platinum
that is really cheap!!!

I am paying $6000 in California!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:22 pm
by ChooChooo
My braces will cost me $3005 bucks in the end.
$60 initial exam
$395 for the x-rays and impressions
$765 initial billing
I think you are getting charged a reasonable price.
My sister took her daughter in for a consult and they quoted a price of $5500 not including her retainers.
It is interesting to see how differently orthos bill. some are totally out to lunch. Of course, it's not about the money, it's about a good reputation and excellent word of mouth feedback. My ortho has an excellent reputation thank god! :)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:11 pm
by tommyfive
consultation was free. my treatment (10 months top & bottom) will cost me just under $4000.

I get a family/concurrent treatment discount, and they did a couple of other things for me:

lowered my down payment because my wife (whose treatment will be more costly) will have just given them a substantial down payment.

allowed us both to split our down payments over a couple of months or visits.

for my treatment, which is slated for 10 months, finance it over 12 months to keep the payments lower.

all this was arranged for the asking. ask your ortho how they can make paying for your treatment easier, either by splitting or lowering the down payment, or stretching the terms of the financing. they may not be able to do a lot, but asking was the only way I found out!

otherwise, we have a kid who is starting school so childcare payments will go away in may! that actually more than covers both of us, aside from down payment. and i've taken up some after hours on-call coverage work to make up for my treatment. neither of us qualify for coverage - bastards changed our dental plan as of 1/1!

are you going to go back to OK for adjustments or switch orthos?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:49 am
by mila j
so does anybody know if the monthly payment plans will change when i go back to CA?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:53 pm
by Betty Bat
I'll second Tommy's confusion on this. You went to an orthodontist in Oklahoma and had a payment plan set up. Now you are moving to California. Are you going to continue to see your Oklahoma orthodontist (in which case, it seems like the payment plan should hold up) or are you going to find a new orthodontist in California? If you are finding a new ortho in CA, then I would think that all bets are off. There are a lot of posts and threads about changing orthodontists, if you are interested. But, even if you don't move from one state to another, there is no guarantee about payments if you switch orthos.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:11 pm
by Lisa65
I'm confused too. We don't have enough information to answer that question.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:41 am
by mila j
okay gys let me explain this.i dont have n e where to stay out here in OK where i originally had the work and payment plans done.the deal out here in OK was that i pay 512 to have theme placed and 512 the second month wich im goin to pay but by the time the monthly payments of 125 come up for the third month i wont be out here i will be living in CA
and i want to know if my monthly payment plans of 125 will change?????????????
or can i just continue to pay that or send the money back to the office out here?
do u guys under stand what im tryna say now?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:14 am
by Jenny5
Given the fact that all orthodontists charge different fees, my best guess would be that your monthly payments could very well be different. It's something you'll have to discuss with your new orthodontist and old orthodontist. I'd bring it up with your current orthodontist as soon as possible though in case it takes time to get things straightened out. I would say you'd definitely have to be paying the new orthodontist rather than sending it to the OK one since they will be doing all of the adjustments and work from here on out. Sorry couldn't be of better help, but I don't think any of us can really answer your question. :( If you don't have a new ortho in CA yet, you should probably go to a few consultations and see what they can do as far as cost is concerned.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:15 am
by Betty Bat
There's still one thing that's not quite clear. If you are just talking about paying off the money that you owe to the ortho in OK (which sounds like $1024) on a monthly basis, then I would imagine that everything would stay the same.

But, I'm not clear if you are planning to go to an ortho in California while you are out there. If so, I would imagine that any deal that you worked out with your OK ortho wouldn't be applicable.

Are you planning to go to an ortho in CA?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:30 am
by Ives
If you were to tell your ortho in okla that you were moving and you would not be seeing him anymore than he should just charge you for the work up to that point. When you start seeing a new ortho in cali you will have to work out a whole new payment plan with your new ortho.

Talk to your ortho in okla, he may be able to recommend someone in cali for you.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:05 pm
by platinum
i have braces,just got um on two weeks ago.(after 8 extractions)
Did this moving to California come suddenly? I mean why did you started a treatment if you knew or even thought that there might be a possibility that you move to CA?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:35 pm
by ngbraces
The payment plan should go accordingly with the treatment plan.
After you move to CA, do you plan to continue with treatment in CA or you go back to OK for appointments which are usually 1 or 2 months apart?
1. If you go back to OK for every appointment, your payment plan should stay the same, no matter where you live.
2. If you want to continue your treatment in CA, you need to work with your OK ortho to see if s/he can transfer the plan to CA or you need to start a new plan in CA. They will let you know the way and how much the payments should be processed.