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Advice please - forgot to brush teeth on brace-fitting day!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:59 am
by bekky707
Silly this, but it only occurred to me today. When I went to get my braces fitted I rushed from work and I forgot my toothpaste, so I didn't really brush my teeth properly. I didn't think much of it at the time. My ortho cleaned them a little, but I can't remember her cleaning the front ones. Now I am worried they may rot under the brackets. Am I being dull?? Of course, I did brush them that morning!!
Also decided to have curry last night and my braces have gone green. Was warned about this but didn't think it would be quite such a lurid, nasty green. :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:47 am
by Lisa65
I really don't think you need to worry. They prepare your teeth with an etching solution which gives the glue a better grip and I'm sure that would kill off any bugs which might have been lurking.

As to the curry, I'm with you on that one :lol: if you're a regular curry eater you might do better to have dark coloured ligs next time because that staining just doesn't come off. Brushing with whitening toothpaste can help fade it a bit but once they are stained then they are stained unfortunately.

I've found that black and purple do not show curry stains, and silver isn't too bad. I had hot pink once and they went a rather nasty peach shade, and light blues will go a kind of teal which isn't too bad either. I would imagine that dark blue would be OK as well.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:20 am
by bekky707
Can you get coloured bands for ceramic braces? That would be great. I thought you could only have them for metal. I'll give my orthodontist a call later.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:07 am
by starryadora
Don't worry. They would have made you go brush your teeth before starting your bonding if you had too much food in your mouth. With the pumicing of your teeth, followed by the rinses, etchant, and should be fine;)