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QUESTION: putting a fake tooth on braces?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:40 pm
by jillian
hi... i'm 19 (almost 20)...and i've been reading archwired since before i got my braces in june 2005, but i never joined or posted.

i had a tooth extracted a few months ago, and had a tooth shifted back because it was in the wrong place, and my gap is finally big enough to put a tooth onto my braces temporarily. i was just wondering, does anyone know who puts the tooth onto braces and how long it would take to do so?

i have searched everywhere for answers like this, and couldn't find any. so any answers would be greatly appreciated, even any comments about your experiences.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:12 pm
by NikkiB
Hi Jillian, great question! I am wondering the same exact thing as I will be having a tooth extracted within the next month to have the other tooth moved backward. I will eventually have a fake tooth put on my braces until the end of my treatment when I get a prosthetic tooth implanted.

Hope it all turns out well for you!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:33 pm
by eoberhauser
I had a fake tooth, or "flipper" attached to my braces. I am missing a lateral and the fake is to hold my gap until I can have an implant done. it's very simple, depending on the tooth and the ortho, they may have one "in stock" that meets your needs. Mine had to be ordered, but was in in about 9 days. Mine was applied via wire ties and a ligature. It is quite comfortable. It wiggles a bit, but you get used to it. I eat all the same food and it hasn't caused me any problems! Here is a photo, the flipper is the left (right as you're looking at it) lateral.


I just realized it's been ages since I had a new photo taken! I'm going to have to work on that.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:54 pm
by NikkiB
Thank you ebohauser! I will have to have the implant done for the same tooth just on my right hand side. How was the process of having the other tooth moved back? Can you give any helpful tips or share how it was for you? I will have a tooth extracted soon to start the process of moving the tooth back to have the same thing done as you.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:11 am
by sjsarre
I was going to have a couple of fake teeth attached to my lower wire as I was conscious of the gaps but my ortho put me off having it done as he said that they do have a tendancy to break off if you eat anything too chewy.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:10 am
by chicklets
I had no idea there was this option. This board is so great!

My 14-year-old son, who has been in braces for over 2 years already, is missing both his adult laterals. Right now he just has big gaps. It does not seem to bother him, so I guess he will just wait until he gets the braces off and has a retainer with fake teeth attached. Then we can decide if he wants to get implants later.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:50 am
by eoberhauser
Here are my progress photos from start to flipper. I did not have any extractions. I had plenty of upper spacing from missing the lateral, and having smalll teeth. Enjoy!




Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:20 am
by jillian
your teeth look really good! i am missing the same tooth, on the same side.

i went to the ortho today and he said "just a little more space, and we'll fill in that space." (i swear there isn't anymore space..the tooth is completely touching the one next to it!)

since i'm going to florida for spring break in a month, i reallly wanted it done as soon as possible so i was able to make an appt. on march 14th. i hate to be impatient, but i wish i could get it done right now...i have been feeling really self conscious lately, AND i am looking for a job.


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:48 pm
by NikkiB
So I'm seeing a spring and since I will be having the same thing done, I have to ask, how painful is the spring? How do they "install it". Seeing that makes me that much more nervous!

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:13 pm
by eoberhauser
Springs are just like every other strange device related to orthodontics. At first it's like..."ack!! there's something weird in my mouth" and then you don't notice it anymore. Don't sweat it, it's all very small in the whole scheme of things.

Good Luck!


springs impants, flippers etc

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:15 pm
by looloog
I have a simillar dillema, except mine is the front tooth. Right now i wear a flipper that is like a palate in my mouth with the fake tooth on it. Problem is, the palatte is hindering some back teeth from moving.
I need to get something attached to the wire, but i have a spring opening up the space. Can springs still work if there is a dummy tooth with a bracket?
-im worried i will be left toothless :(


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:47 pm
by tomelo
Gosh, it's good to know I'm not the only person with this concern. I have a missing front tooth which is one of the primary reasons I decided to get braces (another is that I wanted to reduce the protrusion of my teeth). I've been in braces a little over a year and still no flipper :? .

My top midline is off-center, so it has to be moved over to make space for a flipper to be placed. However, it seems that my ortho is taking an awfully long to time to do it which I'm having difficulty understanding since according to him (and 2 other orthos I had consultations with), I had really good teeth and a pretty good bite.

On a good note though, he did start moving my left canine over (Dec. 11) so hopefully on my next adjustment (Feb. 26) he'll hook-up the central & lateral teeth and start moving those over as well. I'm hoping I'll have my flipper by May because I want to go on vacation and really enjoy it without hiding my smile. I want to be able to fully enjoy the experience and engage the people I may meet without inhibitions.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:11 pm
by jillian
i feel ya on that vacation thing..i almost cancelled my trip to panama city because i didn't know if i would have my "flipper" yet. it's somewhat embarassing to be in college with braces, but i would've felt really out of place partying without all my teeth, so to speak..haha. i just realized the color ligs and powerchain i got yesterday match the color of my bathing suit! didn't really plan that...but it does happen to be my favorite color (teal).

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:54 pm
by jillian
another note to add...i wonder if missing teeth is genetic? my sister is missing her right lateral, and i am missing my left. she went through the same things i am going through..yet she was in her younger teens and i'm in my later. the ironic thing is, i used to make fun of her when i was little and she would take out her retainer with the tooth on it...funny that later i find out i'm just like her. :x

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:58 pm
by NikkiB
From what I understand, it is genetic. I am missing a tooth and was missing a wisdom tooth. Apparently, my mom was missing many teeth and my dad had all of his. According to my dentist, I am missing the two due to my mom. Luck of the draw I guess.

Off topic a bit, when you had the flipper put in, have all of you had a temporary plate or has it just been incorporated into your arch wire and brackets?