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So excited! so nervous! 8 more days!!

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:01 pm
by JesseJames
Well first of all i'd like to thank everyone who helped with my trans palatal bar question! It really doesn't seem like it will be that much of a problem!
I thought it over all weekend and I am going to do this!!

On thursday, Feb 22 i get the two teeth up top behind my "fangs" pulled. Friday I get my spacers, and on Wed, the 28th i get clear braces on top, metal on bottom and the Trans Palatal Arch installed!!
I am so nervous/excited right now!! Having teeth pulled scares me like crazy, and i will be nervous as can be come brace day. But i know if I don't do this, i'll wish I had in 5 years! Plus, it's only for 15-18 months. But it is tempting to back out and run and hide lol

I guess i'm just rambling now! But let me introduce myself before i go. You will probably be seeing me around a lot more now.
My name is Jesse James (yes my parents had a sense of humour) but most just call me Jesse. I'm 22 and from Canada. I look forward to talking to all of you soon :)

You will be fine

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:32 pm
by Dreamsmile
You will be brave and come thru this with flying colours. I am a fellow Canadian. Just joined as I'm getting braces on the 6th Mar. after waiting 46 years. Do this now for yourself.My 17 yr old son has fangs and as soon as I can he will be getting his teeth fixed. Good luck I'll watching to see how you do thru all of this.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:30 pm
by Ives
I'm feeling the same way myself. Some times can't wait, other times I wish time would stop. Congrats on taking the plunge from a canadian born resident of the states.


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:41 pm
by *boom!*
I just want to chime in and say that I had the same teeth pulled on the top and bottom and it took no time at all. I don't know if you've had wisdom teeth pulled, but it's nothing like that at all pain-wise. The worst part was the numbing for me. I actually got some sick pleasure out of watching/feeling them pull the teeth out and that is not really like me. You will do just fine!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:42 am
by bsblguy
You'll be fine. I'm getting braced feb 26, hope I don't get a speeding ticket on the way to get them. I'm so excited that I just can't hide it. Opps sounds better in the song than when I type it. As long as it's not me singing, LOL.