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One week to go...

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:06 pm
by rcsw6
Hi all

I'm a 29 year old fella living in London, UK, and finally I've decided it is time for me to get braces. The uppers are going on next Wednesday and I am incredibly nervous. I really needed to send this note because this is something I have kept completely to myself. I haven't told any member of my family or any friends and am not sure what to do now. Do I tell everyone in advance to be prepared for the next time they see me or do I just show up and smile?!

I'm excited at the same time and cannot wait to get started. The sooner I get started the sooner it'll be over!


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:37 pm
by Tin Indian
:D Welcome rcsw6, I told absolutley no one , not even my wife. And boy-did I shock a lot of people. After the initial shock wore off things are quite normal. And I'll be 54yo. this year.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:43 am
by Jenny5
I told my close friends and family. I have found that I'm much more comfortable having those who knew about them see me for the first time than those who didn't. The people who knew would be excited about it and say "Oooh, let me see!! How is it going?!" The people who didn't know would kind of awkwardly stare for a few seconds (not in a rude way, just in a perplexed way) and not mention it because they were trying to be polite. I guess they figure that since I didn't bring it up, it might be a touchy subject. So, for me, the "shock factor" has been ever so slightly awkward, while the reaction of those who knew has been incredibly supportive. That has just been my experience though. I would go with your gut on this one. Good luck with your treatment and congratulations for getting it started! :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:28 am
by ema27
Hi there nice to hear from another brit. 8) I 'v had my upper metal braces on for 4 weeks now -and i barely notice they are their..I told my husband and parents and then a few people the day before getting braces on( husband and parents knew weeks before!!)I didnt want to tell people before as its like admitting you have bad teeth!!!
Anyway the comments people said were like oh you cant even tell or it wont be long until they come off.Everyone was great and no negative responses at all.Funny thing is in a strange kinda way im proud of these things.i may have waited 10 years but finally im doing something about it-in 2 years all will be over and ican smile away!!
Good luck with your treatment-it will be woreth it in the end... :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:25 pm
by LadyTr0uble
No matter what you do, heed KK's advice! That's some great advice that got me through my first 2 weeks.

I didn't tell very many people-- the BF, my family, and my manager because I had to leave work early to get braced.

I think I was more traumatized by my own appearance than anyone else. I had complete strangers tell me that my smile is going to be beautiful and it's SO worth it. And I've got clients who would come up to me to ask how my teeth are going.. almost like a group project!

Good luck!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:02 pm
by rcsw6
Thanks everyone for your comments.

I think I will tell my close family this weekend, so they know to expect it when they see me otherwise it'll be really awkward! Everyone else will just have to wait and see (literally!).


PS. 6 days and counting...

Re: One week to go...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:32 am
by newmetal
rcsw6 wrote:Hi all

I'm a 29 year old fella living in London, UK, and finally I've decided it is time for me to get braces. The uppers are going on next Wednesday and I am incredibly nervous. I really needed to send this note because this is something I have kept completely to myself. I haven't told any member of my family or any friends and am not sure what to do now. Do I tell everyone in advance to be prepared for the next time they see me or do I just show up and smile?!

I'm excited at the same time and cannot wait to get started. The sooner I get started the sooner it'll be over!

Alrite mate, i did the same and didnt bother telling anyone and i havn't had anyone ask me about them since ive had them on. Doesnt matter if you tell people or not.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:56 am
by SDFD TSchott
I told no one, not even my family members and it took about 1 month and several dentist and orthodontic visits later that I had braces! So I'm sure that your family will be supportive, Your friends will be supportive and your co-workers also will be supportive as everyone to me has been well supportive in my decision for braces!

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:22 pm
by rcsw6
Hello again, an update!

So I spent the weekend with my mum and sister and for some reason just couldn't tell them! Anyway, I'm just gonna get the damned things on on Wednesday and see everyone cold! As you all have said, my family will be supportive and noone else will notice. That's what I'm banking on!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:33 pm
by lionfish
I understand where you're coming from. I told no-one other than my husband. What I've found is that people notice, comment or inquire, then move on. Very few come back to the topic.

Good luck for Wednesday.