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Annoying nance button

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:06 am
by jc75
My nance button is starting to really annoy me and at times can be a bit painful. I was wondering if anyone else has had something similar and if so, what they did about it.

I have had it for 2 months now and up until Tuesday was coping perfectly well with it. However, I woke up on Tuesday morning with what I thought was a small piece of food stuck underneath. I tried all manner of things to try to get it out: toothpick, waterpik, cable tie, paper clip, but it was just too tight and I couldn’t dislodge it. It was feeling kind of sharp when I pressed against the roof of my mouth and was quite painful.

I am now convinced that it isn’t in fact a piece of food, rather the roof of my mouth is swollen. The nance is getting tighter and tighter. I had a bad habit of pushing the button backwards and forwards with my tongue to dislodge it every now and again, but it is getting harder and harder to do this and there is hardly any movement in the button now. It is completely tight against the roof of my mouth.

It isn’t a very pleasant sensation and I don’t know how long I can stand it. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:02 pm
by Lisa65
I've had the same thing happen and it's excruciating. I had to have my Nance removed because of swelling. It could be that the teeth that the Nance is bonded to have moved slightly, or like you said that the irritation caused by something being stuck underneath has caused some swelling.
I'd strongly recommend ringing your ortho in the morning as it does need looking at.

Hope you get it sorted - you have my sympathy!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:30 pm
by RainyDay2
Same thing happened to me too. Mine gave me a hard time at first. I'd wake up in themorning with excrutiating pain. Then it went away for a few months. Everything was fine up until 4 months into the treatment. I was in so much pain and I was trying to be tough. I couldn't take it anymore and called the ortho. The roof of my mouth was so swollen. He ended up adjusting it a bit but informed me that he was going to band my remaining molars and remove the nance. To tell you the truth I was shocked that the fix was so drastic. Anyhow, I'm so happy the darn thing is off. I can eat better now :wink: Before he took it off I made sure this was not going to have a negative impact on my treatment. He reasured me and voila! it's gone. I suggest you call your ortho so he can adjust it. Good luck!