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Ahead of schedule!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:44 pm
by cleozar2007
I just had my 5th or 6th (I haven't really kept track) adjustment this past Friday. I got the final wires put on! The ortho said I'll be coming back every 2 month to check if they are ready to come off. He looked at my chart and my projected debracing timeframe is January 2008 to May 2008. I'm way ahead of schedule :P
I'm hoping I'll be out of braces before graduation in May, but I doubt that will happen. My next appt. is April 13 (Friday the 13th :yikes: ). For some reason I just don't think that appt will go well :?
Oh well, at least they will be coming off before 2008!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:56 pm
by jamiegirl
Congrats on finding out your ahead of schedule!!! Thats great news!!! Ive had my braces for 10 months now and Im too chicken to ask my ortho the big question of "When are they coming off?" Id just like to have a time frame of how much longer! :D