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Not sure I can wait any longer...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:24 am
by Marley
This wait has to be worse then Christmas as a kid!!

Brace date is March 5th. I've read everyones stories, read all the posts, got all the info I'll need... I wish I could ignore anything braces until Monday.. but I'm addicted!!

My friends and family are like "enough!! it's not a big deal.. it's just braces!!"

Thank goodness this is my Birthday weekend. It will be filled with parties.. no time to think about Braces!


To all of those who are waiting... our time has got to come soon!


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:47 am
by Jenny5
Only 4 more days. You can do it! Good luck on Monday. Let us know how it goes.


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:28 am
by ccrisis
Hey there. I know how you feel. Spacers on 3/5. My birthday is 3/6 -- brace day is 3/9!!! I will be partying this weekend as well -- not sure if i'll be in the mood after that. Like you, I'm anxious to get started and driving my boyfriend up the wall. Please give details on b-day & good luck.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:21 am
by bracey
hey I know how you feel, my appointment is tomorrow!!!!yikes, im nervous excited scared all at same time. All I can talk about is braces braces braces. Am I doing the right thing? At least you have your birthday....happy birthday by the way.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:34 am
by waiting2smile
Congrats on getting braces! The time does seem to drag when your waiting but once you get them just wait and see how it flys by. I've had mine (Invisalign) for 2 years next month and and seems like only yesterday I was going in for the molds (yuck!)

Best of luck to you!

P.S. Happy Birthday! My Birthday is coming up too - on your B-Day! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:24 am
by Nervous
First off, congratulations for taking the plunge and getting braces. In my opinion that's the hardest step, committing yourself for 1-2 years. Just enjoy your party and try not to think about the braces, but I'm sure it will be difficult not to.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:28 am
by Marley
Thanks Jenny!

Bracey! Can't wait to hear about it!

Waitingtosmile.. Happy Early Birthday!

Crisis! We share the same birthday! Braces on the 5th, Birthday on the 6th. I'll be 27. Have fun partying! How old will you be? I just met a guy almost 2 weeks ago and we've been hanging out quite a bit.. I was terrified to tell him about my braces! he's pretty cool about it, and then he mentioned he is getting them in the next 2 years... fun times! ha!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:30 am
by platinum
You shouls enjoy teh days before you get your braces. They are not that fun. They look ugly, teeth hurt, difficult to clean, speech problems etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:33 am
by Marley
Thanks Nervous!

Haha! Platinum.. I don't know! Braces can't look any worse then these teeth!!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:54 am
by nita
Good luck to you on brace day! I totally understand how hard it is to wait, but it'll be here before you know it!

And happy birthday to everybody too! :dance: My birthday is also March 5th! Here's to a weekend of celebration for all :-88

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:57 am
by Marley
Have a fun birthday weekend Nita! I love birthdays!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:41 am
by Nawners
I can totally relate to the anticipation!!! I had to wait over a month to get my braces on after my consult, and each day drug on and on....
This board really helped me get through those days, though!

Just a few more days, and you will be braced!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:48 am
by Kat
Eat, eat then eat more. Hard crunchy stuff, steaks, caramel, apples, and then eat more. Look back to this thead in a month then you'll know the beauty of eatting the things you really want.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:49 pm
by ccrisis
Here's to all my fellow Picseans (sp?) Marley, I'll be 44 on the 6th and I wish I did this when I was your age. As far as the braces looking funny -- I struggled with that for a long time and then I finally took some nice, candid, close-up pictures of my mouth -- and you are SO right about the teeth looking worse before the braces. I just keep thinking that once I get them on -- no matter how bad they look -- every minute that passes will bring me close to having nice teeth!!! If I don't get braces, they'll only get worse with the passing time. Everyone have a great party weekend!!! I'm anxious for your updates!!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:28 pm
by bsblguy
I don't think anyone was more excited about getting braces than I was. I made my consult appt. and a dental appt. the same day. I had to wait to get a crow and 2 cavities filled before I could get braced. Yeah, I know, I should have seen a dentist more often but I hated going sssooo much. I tried to get my appt. to get the crown put in up so I could get my braces appt. moved up but my ortho went to Fl. for some meetings and disney with his kids so I had to wait. It did give me another weekend of free eating. Now the braces have been on for 4 days, no problems to speak of. I have bite blocks in and had then shaved down some so I could chew better. I haven't tried too solid of a food yet. I have 6 crowns and braces don't stick as well to those so I'm being very cautious. And braces look cool, LOL. I have yet to hear 1 negative comment. Hope all goes well for you.