How you save $ for braces

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How you save $ for braces

#1 Post by kaka »

Hi everyone,

I'm 18 year old now. I worked for two summers already to earn what is needed for braces. Yet, I never suceed in saving my money for them. I always spend all my money for food, clothes, beauty products and books for school. My parents forbid me to work while studying. Yes, I'm an adult now, but well, I don`t wanna create family problems because I want to work. My parents don`t want me to have braces because I want them just for beauty. All my dentists said that I don`t need braces because my crooked teeth don`t affect my health. However, I seriously hate how I look.

Then, I had this idea of having a credit card. If I have a credit card, I can pay my braces in several months. I'll work as a summer camp monitor this summer. I earn approximately 3000$. If I need to pay 200$ per month, I can survive for 12 months without other income to pay my braces. But, I'll work again on next summer, so I can pay the rest of my braces. It is however, very risky. As I'll be in university by then, I can work during the year too. So, I'll have more income. I just thought that I have to have my braces now because I don`t pay rents, food or my school fees. It`s the best time to have braces. Also, the price of braces is rising for some reasons.I'm afraid that it will end up costing 10 000$ ten years later.

here is a pic of my teeth:
I wonder how you people save money for your braces. I need your advices. thank you!

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#2 Post by lemonlyme »

You can work out a payment plan with an orthodontist usually, where you pay a down payment, then pay around $100 or so monthly.
It was frustrating for me to think how i was going to come up with that much money also, but now that my teeth are all straight, i cant imagine how i waited til i was almost 22.

Good luck, and i would recommend calling some ortho's to see if maybe they can work with you :)

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#3 Post by jennielee81 »

I just let the US government save the cash for me :crazy: ....I used our tax return.

Doesn't sound like you'd be able to use my plan.

I think you should go for the consult and then see what payment plan they offer.

Also notice that different ortho's charge differently. Mine charged me $5,000 USD and my kid's ortho only charged about $2,600 USD for theirs as they are a kind office and lowered the price because we have no insurance. There are people out there like that!

Good luck to you!!
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#4 Post by Delag »

It is very important to not to choose your orthodontist on the basis of cost. There are a lot of good orthos out there, and a lot of bad ones too. Get several consults and use your head, not your wallet, to make the right choice.
I wonder how you people save money for your braces. I need your advices.
Well, I don't buy a lot of new clothes or Starbucks, and my lipstick comes from Walmart. We don't eat out as much as we used to and my kids don't get extra little goodies from the supermarket line anymore. If your really want it, you will find ways to cut out things your really don't need.

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#5 Post by SDFD TSchott »

I put down $500 with monthly payments of $150 and my insurance just kicked in there $2000 so I have another 2 payments left then my braces are paid in full!

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#6 Post by powderpuff »

I got just an internship and now finally making some money. I'm 22. I had to wait a long time. My family did not think dentistry was very important. I also started working part time during school. I'm engineering which is one of the most difficult majors and I worked on campus (computer labs and then computer tech). These jobs don't require much actual work. Mostly just sitting in the lab.

Sometimes you just have to do what you want even if it isn't what your parents want. I bought a brand new car, buying my braces, etc and my parents discouraged me from it all. But after it, they are always proud of how much I've accomplished on my own.

You may want to get the money and just put it someplace where it can't be touched (parents tend to make you spend your own money when you have it and then give you money when you don't). If you are buying your own books...You should have independence. And braces are not just cosmetic. Plus they'll help your confidence.

The thing that pushed me into getting braces is getting engaged and deciding I want to show teeth in a picture for the first time.

So give a trusted aunt or bank your money to hold or get a part time job doing something very easy (lab monitor) at school.

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#7 Post by powderpuff »

Sorry for double post
Last edited by powderpuff on Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#8 Post by kaka »

it is so frustrating to have almost a pretty face, but have those ugly teeth. All my friends tell me: you are soo pretty? Why don`t you go to modelling? But, my teeth just stop me from doing things that I really like. I get really self-conscious about it when we take pictures. Or for jobs. I always feel that people are staring at my teeth, but mayb it is just me who stares at ohters`teeth. haha. I wish to have money. I wish to change my life now. Maybe it is bad, but I start to get really jealous of people that have a straighter teeth than I do. I have a wonderful personality, I know. But I am just afraid that people will only see what is from the outside.

MY little sis is getting braces because her case is more severe than mine. My parents lost their job, so I cannot ask for braces. So, I just have to work for them.

At soem point sof my life, I told msyelf I don`t need braces. I jsut avoid to look at mirrors or make myself pretty. I just dress in rags so that no one notices me. But then, I saw so many girls that aren`t that pretty but look nice because they have nice clothes, so I thought maybe that can make me happier. I started buying so many useless things. But then, it didn`t work. And my savings were then lost. I regret buying so many useless stuffs...but i just thought that i would be happy with them. I feel really desperate. It has been two years that I've been in this rollercoaster. I really tried to love myself, but i couldn`t. it is so hard. My mom was really pretty. She went to beauty pageancy. And I dont understand why im such an ugly duckling. She had perfect striaght teeth and i inherit my dad`s ugly weird teeth.

I dunno what to do anymore. I'm like in this breakdown.

I never believe that I was pretty,but then, in recent years, I saw my pcitures and start to believe in it. but then, my smile, my teeth always ruin everything. Sometime, I feel that im only ugly on pcitures. In real person, im prettier...but i cannot know how others think of me. Maybe they think that im ugly in both ways.

My sister once told me that she was mean to me in the past because i look prettier than her.

Maybe I just want to be what people want me to be. Be pretty. Very gorgeous.

I'm lost.

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#9 Post by kaka »

i double posted sorry

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#10 Post by Jenny5 »

I wanted to get braces in college, but I knew I couldn't afford them, so I waited until I had a full time job with orthodontic insurance, which has contributed $2,000 towards my treatment. I also save money wherever possible. A few dollars here and there really adds up in the longrun. I would say that if you really really want braces, you can work hard and save for them. Like jt2lang said, try to find a savings account with a high interest rate. Also, someone mentioned on-campus jobs. A lot of these jobs like working in the library or security office allow you to do your schoolwork while on the job. Actually, you might get more schoolwork done there than if you were in your room with other distractions. My parents didn't want me to work when I first went to college, but once I showed them that I could handle my schoolwork and get good grades, they allowed me to make that choice for myself.

Having said that, it sounds like you have a lot self-esteem issues (which is totally normal for your age) and it would be nice if braces could turn that all around for you, but I don't know that that will happen. Once you have straight teeth (and your teeth do look pretty good to me, by the way), you might notice something else about yourself that you don't like and fixate on that. I'm not a therapist and I could be totally wrong here, but this constant obsession with your smile might be more of a behavior than merely a disliking of your teeth. Not that I'm discouraging you from getting braces because I think if it's important to you, then you should absolutely do it...just be careful of your expectations and try to work on your self-image (i.e. think about who YOU are and don't compare yourself to other people), rather than hoping that braces alone will fix that problem for you.

Good luck!


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#11 Post by Ives »

Hey KaKa
So how much longer will you be in college. I think someone allready mentioned it but maybe after college might be better for braces. You might be able to find a job with benefits that covers some of the cost.
It seems that most adult ortho insurance covers up to $2000.00
Thats alot of green stuff that can be used for life after college. Will you have student loans to pay ?

If your set on braces during college, check your colleges HR dept for part time work related to your major. Sometimes you can make some cash helping people with classes they're struggling in. If you can get a full time employee status at your college they might have some really good benefits for ortho, it's where I work and they paid $2000.00 towards braces plus paid almost all my TMJ treatment.

Good Luck

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#12 Post by SDFD TSchott »

I work for both Home Depot and San Diego Fire Department, with Home Depot there full time associates get the GoldPlus dental insurance and with that said they cover $2000 for Adult ortho. Now with the San Diego Fire Department they cover up to only $1500 for full staffed firefighters with benefits unfortanantly I'm not eligible for benefits yet through them I have the starters insurance which covers job related medical/dental/vision benefits.

Another 24 days before I have Full Benefits with the Fire Department!

SDFD TSchott


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#13 Post by ngbraces »

I feel really desperate.
I really tried to love myself, but i couldn`t. it is so hard. kaka
I looked at your teeth in the picture, they look a little bit crowded but not so bad that they can cause your depression :shock: I think that your teeth can be fixed with braces. Now the tough part is you don't have enough money for braces now and it sounds like your teeth affect your self-esteem somewhat.
I recommend NOT to use credit card if you don't intend to pay full amount monthly. You're old enough to understand about a burden of credit card debt. Braces will improve your look and dental health but it's not an emergency matter. You're just 18, you can wait till you can afford it. You said that you can earn around $3000 this summer, so why don't wait until this summer to get braces? In the mean time, do more research about braces, cut off the habit of buying useless things as you said, stop comparing yourself to your mom and sister, and concentrate on things your family ask such as studying. And please do not blame all your life problems on your teeth. Your teeth play a very small role in defining your personality.
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#14 Post by PIMPmyTEETH »

all this talk about an 18 year old being too young to understand debt is nonsense. at 18, you're an adult, and there is no reason why you can't take on this responsiblity.

i got my first line of credit when i was about 15. it was a special student line of credit with a special rate. not too long after that, i got a credit card. i didn't do this because i wanted to go on a shopping spree. i wanted to establish good credit, so when it came time to get a car loan, it wouldn't be a problem, and, i wouldn't have a ridiculous interest rate.

most orthos have payment plans, but it may not be possible for someone without a steady job or parental consent.

i think if you are really serious about this, you can do it. i would say try to save at least half of the money. if you really want to use credit to pay for this, consider a line of credit. the interest rate will be much lower than a credit card. and, the monthly payments can be much lower, if you need them to be. but, you have to keep in mind that this money you get from the bank is not yours and it has to be paid back. and, the longer you wait to pay it, the more you will have to pay. and, if you do not pay things on time, your credit rating could be affected, resulting in future problems with getting loans when you really need them.

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#15 Post by Beautemous02 »

Go see an orthodontist for a consultation. Most offer these for little to no fee. Look at what your payment options would be. I only had to put down $950 and make monthly payments. There was no credit check and 0 financing. Some orthodontists also offer financing through companies like Care Credit or Capital One. These do require a credit check and they charge to finance. It won't hurt to at least do a consultation to see how much money you would be forking over. Let us know how things go.

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