Mouth Soreness

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Mouth Soreness

#1 Post by gramsinbraces »

Hi, My braces went on tues. and I did great until friday, not sure if there has been movement but now all of a sudden I have pain , I believe it is a hook poking the inside of my upper cheek. Very painful to talk or eat. I ask hubby to see if he could bend it out of the way , but it just springs back into place. I keep wax on it and I'm doing salt water rinses. If this is a hook, is there anything the ortho can do about it? Or is this just something I need to get use to? I would've called ortho but this started on friday afternoon to late to call office and now it's the weekend. Any suggestions?


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#2 Post by Delag »

Yes, do call your ortho. Remember that you are paying them for a service and you should never feel you are imposing on them when you need something. I jsut drop by my orthos office when I need a wire clipped - there is always someone around who can do a quick clip or bend. It takes them 30 seconds, so don't live in pain - your ortho wants happy clients too :D

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#3 Post by BraceMom »

I know how you feel, one of my molar bands sits slightly above my tooth and the bottom of my tongue scrapes it constantly and I now have a giant sore there, talking, drinking and eating are both impossible, hurts so much. I got my braces Wednesday and I've already been back to the ortho 2x's for help and they've been really gracious and helpful so definitely call your ortho, that is what they are there for, to help. Hopefully your wire can be cut and you'll be better, good luck.

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#4 Post by BraceMom »

I know how you feel, one of my molar bands sits slightly above my tooth and the bottom of my tongue scrapes it constantly and I now have a giant sore there, talking, drinking and eating are both impossible, hurts so much. I got my braces Wednesday and I've already been back to the ortho 2x's for help and they've been really gracious and helpful so definitely call your ortho, that is what they are there for, to help. Hopefully your wire can be cut and you'll be better, good luck.

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#5 Post by gramsinbraces »

No this doesn't have a little ball shape on the end, that's why at first I thought it was a wire just to long but hubby said it looks like a hook. I will definately call Ortho on Monday morning, Thanks everyone!

Bracemom,you call your orho to, darn it we don't need to hurt, this is a good thing we are doing for ourself! Take care of that sore. HOpe tomorrow is better for you.


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#6 Post by KatK »

hello! I hope you have better luck than I did with my sticking out hook! I called and went in - she tried to bend it back but it just wouldn't budge! I have had a huge sore for 4 months! The good news is that the sore doesnt always hurt because I've gotten used to it. Report back if they were able to fix it - I might just call again! Good luck! :-)
~ Pendulum on December 1st
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#7 Post by Kat »

I went through and am going through what you are feeling for a few months now on and off.
It's a pain HA! to say the least. You will learn to accept this.
Put up with it, it will get better. I've read on here so many post about the same thing. I really don't wax. I do the rinses and in a couple days it does make things better. I only rinse with salt water when I absolutly have to. It does get better. You will complain about it-husbands/boyfriends do make it better...poor guys but it's very normal.
When in pain I always say "Why don't they make these things comfortable?" I mean thousands and thousands of people wear these you'd think they'd make em comfy.
Did I say it does get better?

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#8 Post by rcsw6 »

The end of my wire has started to poke out a bit and prod into my cheek. It is killing me but I am using it as a test. I'm putting wax on it to keep it off my cheek. It is a struggle but anyway my mouth is feeling quite sore, i'm learing to cope. It is a good test.

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#9 Post by Ives »

Hey Grams
I'm having the exact same problem, one of my banded brackets is carving up my cheek real bad. I'm going for 2 more bands on monday, so figured I would tough it out till then. Today it got better, guess my cheek is getting used to it. Still want to see if it can be clipped or bent back. I think the hooks are used for those big elastics some people have to wear. Not sure if I need those, will have to ask ortho. Also one of the bands on the inside of my molar is not flat against the tooth so my tongue gets real tender rubbing against it.

Good Luck and congrats on getting braced, it will get much better soon.

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#10 Post by gramsinbraces »

CAlled Ortho on Monday morning and they got me in right away, the assistant bent two hooks in a half circle and things are great now! Don't mind the braces at all, life is good again! Ha until hubby has to turn the expander again,,two to three days after turning have some discomfort in molars but it is liveable..Hang in there and call the ortho, we don't need our mouths hurting by pokey things..


Top expander 12/2006
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