Over 40 and Going Into Braces....

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Over 40 and Going Into Braces....

#1 Post by Graceful58 »

I'm curious how many out there that are over 40 and going into braces at this stage of your life. I was in braces in my early 20's which was fine but this time around it is a bit more difficult to think about going back into have a full metal smile. Anyone else out there who's over 40 and going into or already wearing braces?

I would love to do the Invisaligns but my bite is way off. To avoid surgery I would go into an expansion Dmas/MSx for the first six months and then into braces for two years...the ortho seems to think that with these appliances my bite would be 50% better than what it is right now and he feels I would be quite pleased with it. I'm not quite sure if 50% better is worth the $5,000 to get it there without it being 100%...any thoughts out there???

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#2 Post by PfectPitch »

Hi, Graceful: I'm nearer to 50 than 40 and just got braces March 1. No one cares how old you are and many people have stopped me to say they also had braces as an adult. So age should not be a consideration at all.

My bite was also too far off for Invisalign. I consulted several orthodontists before making the decision to get Damon braces, and I would encourage you to do the same if it's feasible in your community. I was very surprised at how the orthodontists differed in their diagnosis and treatment plans.

Good luck in your decision!

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#3 Post by Ives »

Hey graceful
44 here and also got braced last thursday the 1st. I agree pfect, age should be your last consideration. Especially in your 40's. Life is still very young for you.

I also could not have invisalign. To many things happening in my mouth.
I actually went with clears on top because I was afraid what a mouth full of metal would look like. Now I know it just doesn't matter, no on e cares but me.

You have the advantage of knowing what to expect from braces since you had them before. Good luck and look forward to seeing more posts from you i the future.

Braced March 1st 07

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Hi graceful, and I haven't seen 40 for a while.

I was curious about invisalign, but wasn't a suitable candidate. I went with lingual uppers and ceramic/metal lowers.

I went into this knowing that braces alone would probably get me a less than 100% outcome (surgery would have improved my chances, but I didn't want to go there). If I get 80-90%, I'm a happy camper. This is my first - and last - time around.

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#5 Post by Graceful58 »

Hi Everyone!

Well you're quite an encouraging group I must say! Thank you for your words and I look foward to sharing my experience as well as learning from everyone elses.

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#6 Post by Delag »

I'm 39 1/2....does that count? I have to say that braces are great - they work much better than wrinkle cream for making one look younger.

I am going the surgical route - just curious if you have really checked out that option. I know it isn't for everyone and I would never push it as an option, but if you are worried about going into this for only a 50% solution, you owe it to yourself to be informed. I guess I just would hate to hear of someone second guessing themselves and adding months on to treatment if they changed their mind. Did that make any sense? I would also ask the ortho is he/she is being conservitave with that 50% - perhaps 50% is the minimum improvment you could achieve and the real result *could* be much better than that. I am also curious if you have had more than one consultation - different orthos have different ways of treating the same problem. OK, that way way more than two cents worth so I will be quiet now :lol:

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#7 Post by iBorg »

A week before I turned 48 I got braces for a second time. I've only had a problem a couple of times with them. At one meeting a couple of people kept on trying to figure out if I did or did not have braces. I guess that's why I'd go full metal now.

You'll find the experience much more positive than twenty years ago. Attitude is everything. My concept is simple. Try to make it fun. Don't hide the fact you have metal in your mouth. This will be as good of an experience as you make it.

Plus if you're in the U.S. you can always say Ugly Betty is your role model. People will really wonder if you're male!

Smile....this can be fun.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#8 Post by dcw »

I am 51 2 years into treatment I am a senior manager (Director)

I do stand up presentations and comunicate from the bottom to the top of the organization

Forget clear, the cost more and don't do any better

Be bold with the color of your chains and bands, I am wearing red now probably go to lime gteen for St Patricks days next/

Most people don't say sesame, when I run into any one 30 + with braces I say "I love your smile" and smile back at them silver and wahterver color caught my eye at the last appointment.

Regrets - Doing it at 50 vs 40 vs 30 vs 20 vs 12 - however better than doing dentures, partials or looking back wishing I had done it and not done ot at all.


To those who might make a comment F@#$ them

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#9 Post by dcw »

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#10 Post by dcw »

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#11 Post by dcw »

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#12 Post by chicklets »

I'm 42 and getting braced this month. I've been in my palate expander since the beginning of October.

Braces on adults seems to be pretty common these days. Whenever I'm in my (an my son's) ortho's office, there is at least one adult in a chair. The hardware itself is much less bulky than it was when I was a child, so for that reason, I'm glad I'm doing it now.

Good luck, Graceful!
Palate expander: 10/10/2006 through 03/27/2007
Spacers and brackets: 03/27/2007
Archwire: 04/05/2007
First adjustment: 06/05/2007


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#13 Post by Lisa65 »

I'm 41 and I have full metal braces. I never even asked about Invisalign as for me the metalmouth was all part of the experience.

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#14 Post by ladylee »

Hi Lisa, I'm 48 and was braced for the first time November of last year. It was a bit of a shock to me, but most people think it's great that I could do it. Needed to fix my bite, so as Karen said, nice looking teeth are a bonus. Hang in there. :D Lee

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#15 Post by ladylee »

Hi Lisa, I'm 48 and was braced for the first time November of last year. It was a bit of a shock to me, but most people think it's great that I could do it. Needed to fix my bite, so as Karen said, nice looking teeth are a bonus. Hang in there. :D Lee

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