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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:06 am
by nancoy
Can I still brush my teeth with baking soda or whiting toothpastes while wearing braces? What do you use to keep your teeth feeling cleaner and whiter? ~Nancy


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:36 pm
by nickym
Hi, I've had my braces on for a week and I'm sure my teeth and white brackets are looking a bit stained already, even though I had my teeth cleaned before I had the brace on. I think drinking tea and coffee is the problem although I'm sure curry don't help either! I've been brushing my teeth carefully with sensodyne whitening toothpaste after every meal but I'm still worried about the staining. Will try whitening mouthwash and baking soda as kk suggests!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:41 pm
by Cynnamin
If you can discreetly rinse with water, it will help too - my tea habit was staining and since I follow every cup with a glass of water for a "clean rinse" it has also seemed to help! Besides, the water keeps you hydrated so you don't get the horrible dry lips!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:23 pm
by IndyBraceFace
I continue to use my favorite "whitening" toothpaste, and I haven't been reprimanded. I still get stains on my ligs, though.