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5th Adjustment

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:05 am
by tyrablu
Hi All,

Just want to update everybody on my progress. I went for my 5th adjustment on Monday and everything seems to be moving along. I just had my top arch braced in Feb. so I got a wire change( to 16 or something like that) and power chains on my front 4 teeth. The reason for this is because they want to close the gap between my front teeth first before they bring the top arch back.

Then on the bottom arch (which has been braced since Oct. 06) I got a wire change (to a 18 or something like that) and new power chains on the entire arch.

Also when I tried to floss the top 4 teeth last night one started to bleed a little, so I think I will hold off on the flossing till the soreness wears off.

So far the top 4 teeth are feeling the pressure, I am not in any serious pain so far. I was getting kind of worried since I have a dentist appt at the ending of the week and sometimes the hygenist can be a bit rough. So I didnt want the soreness of the adjustment to interfere with the cleaning.

But all is well maybe I will get the courage to take some pictures one day.
