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Pricing, Insurance, Ceramics...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:21 pm
by peaceandhope
My dental care provider is an HMO (or DMO or whatever they call it).

Therefore, I am paying a co-pay ($1200). The cost being low is what convinced me to finally take the plunge and get the braces I dearly needed.

My question is...does anyone else have a copay for ortho?

and...what did people pay for ceramics?

I had to pay an additional $455 to have ceramics on my uppers. They don't do ceramic lowers and I am ok with that, as my teeth are much worse on the bottom.


Braced for 3 weeks on top only.
Lowers coming in 9 more weeks.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:27 am
by Jenny5
Wow, $1200 is great! My insurance paid $2,000 towards my braces, so I had to cover the rest (about $2,400). I think I still would have gotten braces if I had to pay the full amount, but that $2,000 certainly helps!

As for the ceramics, I paid an extra $450 to get them on the upper 6, so very close to what you paid. At the time, I absolutely wanted clear on top and I'm very happy with the look of them, but I don't think it would have taken me long to get used to all metal either, so I probably could have saved the $450. Oh well, no regrets.

Good luck with your treatment.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:57 am
by gunter8888
I don't think any insurances cover the upgrade to ceramics.

My insurance covered up to $1500, but they also have a contract price with the orthos on their plan that limits what the ortho can charge. Between the $1500 and the contract price I saved about $2300 - WOOHOO! :jump:

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:03 am
by Cynnamin
I have a PPO.

My ortho maximum is 1400-1500$ lifetime benefit. However, one of my coworkers mentioned they got the lifetime benefit twice - probably due to a paper error. I'm hoping I'm lucky as well.

My final cost is $4800 before insurance and I paid 900$ up front, plus $150 for impressions and panoramic x-rays. My payments are ~$170 per month for 2 years before insurance - their financing operates on the basis of all out of pocket. When the insurance payments come in, they just apply those to the account so I have yet to make a payment on mine.

I also can ask them for *two* forebearances through the life of the financing - if I am short on money, I can ask them to hold the auto-draft from my bank account. They also will hold the autodraft if I want to make a payment by coming into the office.

Also, there is no interest on my financing. After the fiasco with my student loans, I was VERY happy to hear that! All in all, I expect to pay $3300 for my braces - which is less than what I paid for ONE semester of college.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:28 pm
by IndyBraceFace
My ortho charges and extra $300 for clear brackets and allows them on the top only.

Unfortunately, my insurance pays $0 toward my braces.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:53 pm
by awillis42606
I haven't talked this through completely with my ortho yet (don't have my braces in yet), but I know my insurance (PPO) covers $2000, unfortunately this is for a lifetime. I was quoted over the phone at my braces and expander costing $4400. So we have to pay $2400 over an 18 month period @ $133.33 a month. Now remember, this is all what the receptionist told me over the phone...

Now I have a question. Does this $4400 include all the adjustments and everything else that goes with getting braces and having an expander? Hoping someone knows the answer to this. Of course, I'll ask when I have my appointment on the 16th.



Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:34 pm
by Graceful58
Yes, everything including your retainer should be included in that price. Just double check with your ortho as all offices run a bit differently.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:51 pm
by awillis42606
Thanks Graceful

I will definitly ask my ortho about it. But it's nice to have a little peace of mind until that day comes...


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:56 am
by nancoy
Everything should be included but might be a good idea to ask your Dr and call your insurance just in case. You guys are so lucky to have dental insurance. We don't have any and out of $6000.00 but worth every penny. :D


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:45 am
by moonchick
My insurance doesn't cover my braces, so I'm paying entirely out of pocket. I have ceramic uppers and lowers, which are costing me $6200, but, for me, it's worth it. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:07 pm
by Cynnamin
They say money can't buy happiness but it can sure buy self-confidence... with or without insurance!!!