Got braced yesterday...have some questions

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Got braced yesterday...have some questions

#1 Post by tookie »

Hi everyone! I'm a 29 year old "bracee". My case is a little interesting because I have OCD/Panic disorder so I'm taking this whole ordeal to a different level. Due to my nature of being ultra senstive to any changes in my body or strange sensations, I'm having a harder time than usual adjusting.
I have clear upper and metal lower with a silly little spring between two teeth on the front lower. I also have "bumpers" because my teeth were hitting into the bottom braces.
Which leads me to some of my questions.... When I close my mouth, my back teeth don't touch. This is causing me to not be able to chew on ANYTHING, even soft noodles. I have to swallow everything whole. I'm not in much pain at all so that's not the problem. Does anyone have the same problem as me?
The other question I had was, WHY AM I NOT IN PAIN? I'm a little sore, very little. I mostly feel it when I brush. I got "braced" yesterday you think I bypassed the pain?
Thanks for any help you can offer....

SDFD TSchott
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#2 Post by SDFD TSchott »

The pain tolerance level is all depending on everyones case, everyone is different with this. I had braces for over 6 months now and the only pain I really had was when I had four teeth extracted other then that I had no pain when braces went on, no pain days after braces, no pain at any of my adjustments and slight discomfort when I was given elastics about a week ago!

SDFD TSchott

GOODLUCK With your treatment!


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#3 Post by mary88 »

Tookie, Welcome and Congratulations on your strengh to go forward, especially with the OCD. To answer your questions I also had no pain the first day(just that strange full mouth and tightness feeling) I didn't experience any pain for a couple days. A couple days later was a different story...I awoke in the middle of the night with my mouth throbbing and some Very tender teeth(to painful to touch). However everyone is different and maybe you are one of the lucky ones. If it does happen a couple motrin usually does the trick. As for yoour other question about your molars not touching, that is exactly what happened to me. I couldn't eat anything because my brackets on my front teeth (upper and lower) would hit therefore not allowing my molars to come together to chew. I was going to call my Ortho about it but then read on this board that I was not alone so I figure I just have to work around it. I have only been braced 10 days and I am just taking it one day at a time doing the best I can. I do feel like my bite is changing and that it won't always be like this. So be patient and think of the beautiful smile that is awaiting you at the end of this journey. I wish you the best.....Mary88

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#4 Post by platinum »

Which leads me to some of my questions.... When I close my mouth, my back teeth don't touch. This is causing me to not be able to chew on ANYTHING, even soft noodles. I have to swallow everything whole. I'm not in much pain at all so that's not the problem.
You will find ways to eat almost everything. I have a upper retainer preventing me to knock lower brackets off. Only teeth that touch my retainer are lower incissors. And with those i am supposede to eat :)
And I do eat. Although my molars do not meet I can use them. I can eat biscuits, crisps, chocolate, meat whatever I want.
I took me about two weeks to learn to eat.
( eating is such a important thing, so our body/mouth will adapt fast)

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#5 Post by BraceMom »

Tookie, I am in the same boat as you. I've had my braces for 8 days and spacers for a week prior to that and haven't really 'chewed' anything during that time, living on eggs, avocados, choc and PB smoothies, soup and pulverized chicken or tuna salad, whatever can just be swallowed. My molars on the back left don't match up at all and even putting my uppers and lowers together hurt. Plus I've got constant pressure and sensitivity so still cannot bite in the front. I have been able to softly chew small pieces of McDonalds hamburgers though, they seem like the softest/smallest burgers out there and while I am still not happy with the situation it's becoming liveable so I'm less cranky. The sore on my tongue caused by one of my bands is much better so eating/drinking is a lot less painful and I'm finding that I can go longer without having to take Motrin for the pain so another good sign. The most positive is that I've lost 5 lbs :)

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I can tell you that my molars in the back do seem to be getting a little more in line so I just keep trying to chew and figure out how to eat, it's just taking me longer than most. Hang in there!

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#6 Post by Thumbellina »

I have had my braces for nearly 3 months and still no pain :D (apart from those spacers!! :yikes: ) so maybe you will be like me and can just enjoy the experience 8)

Congrats for getting them on :-)o it can't have been easy for you to make that decision.

As for chewing - yep, my whole mouth seems to have moved so I know how you feel but before you know it you will adjust - and it honestly is faster than you realise!!

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#7 Post by dramaqueendaisy »

Hiya Tookie! I've just been braced today...they've been in for about four hours and no pain or aching yet. It just feels weird. I haven't tried chewing yet (I had soup for lunch) so I've no idea if I can do that yet. It's funny though because I don't actually feel that hungry...probably my body trying to cope with these new sensations! I do want a cup of tea though...does anyone know if that's a no no for ceramic braces??

Good luck Tookie, hope you stay ache free. :HugeGrin:

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#8 Post by loulou123 »

Hi tookie

Congratulations on getting braced. i suffer from OCD like you but havent found it makes any difference to my treatment to be honest. Obviously it would depend on what your triggers and complusions are but i wish you all the luck in the world.

Afraid i cant answer the bite question as this is about the only thing not wrong with my teeth!

The pain question tho i guess everyone is different, ive read so many people say the spacers are the worst bit but i really wasnt that bothered by them. When i had the braces fitted it was never pain, hey there was soreness and some discomfort but thats it. As things have progressed (ive been braced 8 months now) things have been more painful at times, i had power chains put on and that really wasnt very comfortable for a few days.

Be glad theres no pain is my answer! hope that helps. :D

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#9 Post by dawnm »

I have the turbos on the backs of my two front teeth, so my molars don't touch either.

I have found that I can eat pretty much anything -- it has to be cut small so that I don't choke, bur large enough so that it at least makes contact with both my upper and lower molars. I've developed a rather ugly-looking technique for eating that involves a lot of chewing with my mouth open, but you'll find that you can develop ways to eat whatever you want.

I won't say that it's necessarily easy to eat everything.. but if you're patient and creative, you'll figure it out!! :wink:

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