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Molar Bands

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:21 pm
by ssfw
Why are molar bands used instead of brackets? What is the advantage of using molar bands vs. brackets? I have read that some orthos use bands because the ortho feel s/he will get better results - how is the movement/technique different than when brackets are used?

I'm getting some bands placed next week and don't mind but just want to know how they work. I could have gotten brackets placed but my orthodontist said there was a chance the bracket may come off but he was willing to use them and if it didn't work then place the bands on. I chose to get the bands.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:33 pm
by -Michael-
I just got braces and I have all direct bands. Doc said he normally doesn't do direct bond over teeth that have fillings (my back ones have some fillings) because the adhesive doesn't bond very well. But he said we'll try it anyway and see how it goes.

And if it doesn't work, then he'd have to do bands. Direct bonds sound way more confortable to me, so I am very glad for that! I never had spacers and all that.

Don't know if this answers your question or not but hopefully it helps.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:56 pm
by bracesafter40
I don't know the answer to that questions at all.
I have brackets only on all upper teeth (I get the bottoms on April 4). I have a filling on one of the tooth which is where the bracket will go, so I will see what she does there?

My Ortho says that she does not use molar bands at all. So it saved me the pain of having spacers put it. I did ask before I went in.

It seems that it is a matter of technique/preference of the Ortho as well as the appliance that needs to be installed. A headgear can still be installed if all u have are just brackets; the last two brackets, just have an extra hole on them.

Michael, congrats on ur braces; I just got mine on Feb. 28.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:26 am
by Cynnamin
My ortho explained that molar bands function like anchors - they keep the banded teeth in place and the other teeth are the ones that move.

I believe he plans to remove my bands once I am finished with elastics and switch to brackets on the molars to get them aligned - but he's got to fix the bite first!

Not an ortho and only in braces for several months so I could be completely off base, too!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:20 am
by loulou123
Hi there

Ive got 7 bands on my back teeth, i think the only real reason they use them is for added ancourage especially if you have fillings, crowns etc on the teeth which might mean that the brackets dont stick as well as they should.

The way i look at it is id rather have the bands from day one then brackets keep flying off!

The brackets are just part of the braces to me and i really dont notice them any more, they do have a habit of sticking into your cheek at the very back tho so have the wax handy for the 1st few days at least. Ive got one back tooth that seems to be unusally fay back and i still keep a bit of wax on it each day to stop it digging in.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:06 pm
by brat 2
I have seven bands on my molars and one bracket. The only reason I have a bracket on one molar is because they couldn't find a band to fit it; one was too small and the other too big. I started out with four bands, but he added the others when my very back molars were not moving with the others.

They do bother me due to they do tear up the inside of my cheek and they are a pain in the #@$ to floss way back there :!:

Anyways my ortho told me that he uses the bands on people who have crowns and fillings.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:43 pm
by ssfw
brat 2 wrote:I have seven bands on my molars and one bracket. The only reason I have a bracket on one molar is because they couldn't find a band to fit it; one was too small and the other too big. I started out with four bands, but he added the others when my very back molars were not moving with the others.

They do bother me due to they do tear up the inside of my cheek and they are a pain in the #@$ to floss way back there :!:

Anyways my ortho told me that he uses the bands on people who have crowns and fillings.
Hi brat 2,

Is a molar band used because the ortho would be putting more pressure on the tooth so that it will move? How is more pressure applied on a tooth versus standard pressure on the other teeth? Are the molars more difficult to move?



Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:46 pm
by ssfw
[quote="KK"]ssfw the buccal molar brackets are a newer technology and I'm guessing there's a few reasons why ortho's prefer one over the other ... and most like the main one is their personal experience. :dance:

Hi KK,

Thanks for your post.

What's the difference between a buccal molar bracket and a standard molar band?


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:48 pm
by ssfw
Thanks for all of your posts. I appreciate the information.
