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Jumping on the bandwagon, had my x-rays & molds done tod

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:44 pm
by SinOnYourLips
Hi! After lurking for a few weeks, I finally decided to register. This
website is actually what gave me the motivation and courage to get my
ortho treatment. I have a minor problem and the orthodontist told me
it'll be fixed in 10months or less...but I was still hesitant. I'm 21
and have a very active social life, I'm also a full time college student
and a full time EMT. I'm constantly dealing with people and
shallow as it sounds, I felt akward and weird about the whole braces
thing and how it would make me look...

Until........I found this message board.
God bless you guys! After readin all your posts I got the confidence and
even got excited about gettin BRACED as well.

So I made an appointment for x-rays and molds which was today.
And I'm getting the braces put on next friday, March 16th, eeek! (thanks Ives!):oops:

Any advice/suggestions on foods or things I should try to enjoy during my last week of freedom before I get braced? And what should I buy/or have ready before I go in, perhaps I should already get the dental kit and take some before" pictures? Spill it! :D

Thank you all so much again, and I'll keep you updated!

-Lexy :)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:13 pm
by Ives
Hey Sin, Did you mean March 16th. :)

As far as food goes, anything that you have to really bite hard into that you might miss. Right now I really miss biting into a fresh apple. Everyone says cut it up but it's not the same. Also corn on the cob.
After getting braced you should be able to get back to normal eating after awhile, maybe a couple of weeks. Ive been braced since the first and am slowly getting used to eating regular foods. Still a little painful but not bad. As has been mentioned many times before, just eat through the pain and things will get better soon.
I am thinking of ordering the dentakit myself. I have everything the kit offers allready but it would be good to have a ready to go travel kit to keep at work.
Take a lot of pics, before, during and after. After your teeth are straight and looking good, you will soon forget what they looked like before you started your journey.

As far as what to take with you before going, a great attitude and maybe just a couple of ibuprofens.

Good Luck


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:04 pm
by SDFD TSchott
As KK stated in an earlier post by you here it is again for the braces journey!

Before your b-day ...
* warm salt water rinses once a day
* setup your travel dental cleaning kit, or buy a dentakit from this site
* stock up on consumables ... wax, mouthwash, interdental brushes, stiff ended floss etc
* never forget why you're doing this
* keep a positive attitude

On your b-day ...
* go to the toilet
* cover your lips with balm
* keep positive

After your b-day ...
* continue the daily salt rinses
* wax to prevent sores
* keep your body well hydrated
* chew to increase blood flow in your gums
* make sure your oral hygiene is A1
* be confident with your decision
* remember ... braces do not prevent us from doing anything, only we can do that!
* stay positive!

Take good care! :banana:


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:33 pm
by SinOnYourLips
Thank you all again!

The molds and the x-rays weren't bad or gross AT ALL.
No weirdness, no bad aftertaste, no pain. Nice!

So my next appointment is friday, march 16th.
Here's my dilemma, my ortho said "So that's it, next week you get braces!" so I am wondering...does it mean I don't get spacers? Or maybe he just said that in concept, and I might still need the spacers. I'm only getting my top, so hopefully I won't need those, because I am ready to get braced already! :shock:

Do most people get spacers though? Do you think I will?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:11 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Its all depending on your orthos point of view, some orthos use direct bonds to the molars instead of bands but my ortho used bands so I ended up getting spacers and then the bands. So you might get lucky and just have the direct bonded brackets on the molars!


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:20 pm
by SinOnYourLips do I edit my signature?? I'm reading it in FAQ but just not getting it :oops:

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:33 pm
by ccrisis
Hi Sin,

You are VERY lucky if you don't need spacers or molar bands!!!! Congratulations on going forward and good luck on the 16th.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:13 am
by SinOnYourLips
Just found out that I can't have a sig, until I at least got 25 posts, it's alright we can wait :)

TSchott, I definately hope so too, direct bonded brackets sound really good right now, haha, I'll hold my fingers crossed

Ccrisis, it's still not 100% but I'm really hoping for it!

~5 days til I find out~

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:43 am
by SDFD TSchott
Goodluck in 5 days!
