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Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:16 pm


#1 Post by lovedog49507 »

im getting braces next week what will happen ? does it hurt the whole process someone i need some advice thanks :) ALSO I NEED TO KNOW CAN YOU GET LIKE CAVITIES AND EXTRACTIONS WHILE YOU HAVE BRACES

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Location: New Jersey

#2 Post by Jenny5 »

Hi lovedog,

Check out the Newbies section of this board viewforum.php?f=18 for information on what happens during the procedure and other stuff you might want to know going in. The process is painless. You may experience a little discomfort here and there, but nothing you can't handle. In my experience, I thought I was going to fall asleep while they were putting them on and only experienced the slightest bit of discomfort the next morning (for about 5 minutes). You may want to use the search feature on this board to find posts related to getting braced and anything else you have questions about. Chances are, if you're wondering about something, others have too and have discussed it here.

Good luck with your braces!
Last edited by Jenny5 on Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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#3 Post by lionfish »

I'll second what jenny5 has said.

It is possible to have extractions while in braces and many of us have had that experience. Discuss this with your orthodontist - it may or not be in your treatment plan.

As far as cavities are concerned, there is no reason why having braces should increase the risk of cavities developing. That said, maintenance of good oral hygiene is a good idea.

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#4 Post by bracesafter40 »

lovedog49507 wrote:im getting braces next week what will happen ? does it hurt the whole process someone i need some advice thanks :) ALSO I NEED TO KNOW CAN YOU GET LIKE CAVITIES AND EXTRACTIONS WHILE YOU HAVE BRACES
You will be fine. Read my blog at ; note that it is different for everyone. I had no pain at all since I've had them in now for 10 days; I can now barely bite anything and chewing has gotten better. I've actually lost 10 lbs. I had to extract a tooth a week before braces day, so that helped with the weight loss as I could not eat much at that time.

My braces day post is here at ... s-day.html

Top Braced on Feb 28, 2007
Bottom brace and 1st. adjustment of top will be on April 4, 2007

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