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finally at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:58 pm
by spaced*out
Can anyone tell me things I need to do the night before my braces go on ? Anything that ya'll would recommend .

Thanks ,

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:05 pm
by iBorg
Take a good close up photo of your teeth. This will serve as inspiration when you start asking "why am I doing this." Its great to compare your progress after a month and see progress.

Eat what you can't with wires. Let's see for me that would be caramel corn or an apple that is not fried, cut or skinned. I'd also go eat Mexican and eat some salsa and chips.

Finally I'd enjoy eating without worrying about how hard it would be to claen.

Enjoy tomorrow and good luck!


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:18 pm
by spaced*out
Thanks for the information. It's greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:28 pm
by Thumbellina
Have a good sleep and remember to relax. Getting them on is pretty exciting, but there is nothing for you to be nervous about! It doesn't hurt, but it does feel a little uncomfortable for a while until you get used to all the brackets being in your mouth.

Tomorrow, drink lots of water, do use a lip balm before they put the cheek expanders in but most importantly make sure you go to the bathroom before your appointment!! :D

Take loads of pictures, like iBorg said, cos you will want to watch your progress along the way too :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:59 pm
by PaulKariya
Just let them settle in.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:05 pm
by delerius
Floss your teeth without any hassle for the last time coz you won't be able to do that for a very long time.

Don't worry about the whole procedure though. Mine only lasted for 2 hours. That's only because I had to take a lot of breather from having my lips stretched too much, and there are also those bathroom breaks. Take it. Don't hesitate to tell your ortho that you need to go to the bathroom.

I never thought of putting any lip balm before I went in the clinic and that made it a bit uncomfortable. I don't own one BEFORE, it's a must that you buy one right after you have your braces coz lips tend to dry out now that we have something foreign inside our mouth.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:07 pm
by bracesafter40
Take a before picture
IF they will let you take pictures of the brackets before they are in your mouth
Have them take a picture of you in the cheek spreader
Have some peanuts
Floss well
Have fun with it

I was so hyper that I actually did not sleep the night before as I was actually on a red eye flight from the West Coast; then went straight to work and then went to the Ortho; well after midnight that night, I realized that it was all over and I was fine, so don't worry you too will be like us; braced and doing well.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:05 pm
by spaced*out
Well thanks for all of the advice. I am now in full braces and had my RPE installed today. My mouths a bit sore , but i am dealing with it , because I keep thinking this is for me to have a perfect set of pearly whites . It took mine 3 hours to put on .


Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:39 pm
by spaced*out
Thank you very much "KK" And good luck on your journey too. :D