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What would you pick?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:48 pm
by BracesRacer
So I have a gift card to BestBuy and I think with braces going on friday I want to make it as easy as possible to keep my teeth clean and my gums healthy :) I am looking at this list here: ... e=category

And I dunno what to go with. All of them are in my price range anything under $200 is fine with me as long as its worth the money. What do you guys suggest? Is there much difference between oral-b and sonicare? And what makes the model more or less worth the money (I know what they advertise but I dont know if those are features i need, or could easily do without). Any help is much appreciated!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:12 pm
by Betty Bat
Unless you are really trying to spend your Best Buy gift card, I'd take a look at the brushes on Ebay. I got mine there and it was a LOT less than anywhere else that I saw.

And, the difference between Oral-B and Sonicare seems to be mainly personal preference. Unfortunately, you can't try them out ahead of time to figure out which is better - there are no "test drive toothbrushes".

I have a Sonicare 7300 and I'm very happy with it. There are a few folks who don't like Sonicare, so caveat emptor!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:17 pm
by Ives
Gotta agree with Betty on the preferance point. You'll find as many fans of one as the other. I'm using a sonic care and like it, but it's the only electric i've tried so no point of referance. I know it's not what you were looking for in advice but it really is just up to you.

Good Luck


ps- very jealous, best buy is my favorite place to shop, gadgets galore.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:45 pm
by embraced3
i have tried both but don't currently own or use either one!

my personal thoughts: i had an oral b one (the professional care 8000 i think) right before i got my braces. i didn't really like it because i thought it was too noisy and the spinning of the brush head seemed way too intense for me. perhaps i was just brushing too hard in combination with the quick and hard spins of the head, but i didn't enjoy it that much--though it did leave my teeth feeling clean. i then got my braces and stopped using it because i was afraid the bristles would all catch up in the brackets/wires from the spinning. :-* but i know people on the board have def used it with braces so it isn't really a problem. i moved out of college in the middle of all this and somehow lost the brush along the way.

i have also tried the sonicare (elite 7300) because my boyfriend owns one and has an additional brush head that he lets me use when i visit. i personally prefer the sonicare, because it seems to make less noise (and is more like a buzzing, which i guess is the sonic bristle action?) and feels less harsh on my teeth. and it leaves them feeling super clean!

so regardless of which you choose, both brushes seem to do what they advertise. but like everyone else has said, it's a personal choice! and i definitely agree with buying through ebay if you can--they are much cheaper that way! when i bought my oral b through e-bay it was about $30-$40 less than in stores (including target). good luck with whatever you end up doing!

What would you pick?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:05 pm
by maryrn
Either toothbrush will work just fine. I use a regular toothbrush that is only powered by me. My saving grace gadget is the waterpik. I cannot live without my waterpik. Buy a good one and you will be forever thankful you did. maryrn

Re: What would you pick?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:14 am
by Ives
My saving grace gadget is the waterpik. I cannot live without my waterpik. Buy a good one and you will be forever thankful you did. maryrn
Gotta agree with you on this, I use my waterpick constantly. After every meal, except at work. That would be a great investment.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:46 am
by PfectPitch
Gotta agree with the WaterPik advice. It's indispensible. Just don't use it on a high setting.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:20 am
by Nervous
If I were you, I'd pick the one that was 99.99$, then get another one that was 99.99$ for me!! :lol: Just kidding, get one with a waterpik :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:37 am
by BracesRacer
Thanks for the tips so far :) I have a $200 gift card to best buy I gotta use anyway so I will probably use it there. Its either that or just buy junk I dont really need (though i did pick up some bose in ear head phones that are AMAZING). I will look at the waterpicks... they sound handy!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:46 am
by Ives
Its either that or just buy junk I dont really need
I'll just pretend I didn't here this. :paperbag:


man I could have fun with a couple of hundred at best buy, computer upgrades come to mind first, maybe a new SPAM SPAM SPAM player.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:20 am
by ladylee
I would vote for either of the toothbrushes. My husband has a waterpick and loves it. I have a RotoDent toothbrush and love it more. But he doesn't have braces and I do. :dance:

OT- Bose

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:23 am
by dimeech
I sooo want those, too- every since I saw them @ Xmas time! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:50 am
by BracesRacer
Well I work (part time) at another major electronic's store so I get all that stuff for cheap anyway :) I think I am gonna go with this what do you think? ... pid=oxyjet

I guess its like a water jet? I dunno it can spray in a stream or in a spray type configuration. And it has the tooth brush too :) Anyone try this one?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:04 pm
by Ives
actually looks interesting, brushes and waters at same time, if you go this route let us know what you think, maybe i'll try it myself.



Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:21 am
by BracesRacer
I went ahead and ordered it but its back ordered of course so it will be like a week or two before I actually get to try it out. But i will let you know how it works!