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how long on a liquid diet?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:25 am
by travelbug
Hi all,

I am getting lower braces put on next week. Next month I am getting four bicuspids extracted and my upper braces put on.

I was wondering how long I should expect to be on a liquid/soft-food diet after getting my braces on/the extractions done? I ask because soon after I am going to a wedding and doing some traveling... and I am not sure how much of a problem it will be to eat?

Thanks so much for your advice and support everyone!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:47 am
by Beautemous02
Congrats on your braces. I am getting mine in 2 weeks. Yippee!!!! I just had all 4 first molars extracted 2 weeks ago. I was told to stay on a soft diet for 24 hours, but even after that it will still kinda difficult for me to eat since my gums were a little sore. Three of the four came right on out and one actually had to be "surgically removed" and I had to get stiches. I hope this does not happen to you. It took a little over a week for the pain to go away. Just make sure you contine your salt water rinses and you should be fine.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:56 am
by Ives
Hey travelbug, I was braced on the first of march, and went back in last monday the 12th for more work. I'm just starting to be able to chew ok, not grweat yet, but I still cannot tear into anything with my fronts at all. I have to cut up non soft food items to eat. tried a ham and cheese sandwhich last night, wasn't happening. Everyones different, hopefully you will be quick to get back to normal.

Oh yeah, I found out yesturday for lunch that broccoli and braces really do not like each other. It took me for ever to get all those little pieces out of the hardware. The guys at work were laughing there ass off. Even when I got home and used waterpick, could still see little green pieces in the sink, man what a mess that was.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:45 am
by cowlypso
With soreness from getting braces put on, it probably will only last a few days that you will really have trouble chewing stuff, if you have trouble at all. You may have trouble biting into things, but as long as you can break it or cut it you should be good to go.

With the extractions, it can take a few days as well. I don't remember exactly how long it took me, but I know I was eating pizza and salad (very carefully) in less than a week after my extractions.

And definitely no need at all for a totally liquid diet. After my extractions I had soup, mac and cheese, oatmeal, chili, muffins, bananas, etc. The problem is just that with all those holes in your mouth, you have to wait until they heal up a little bit before you're going to want to chew anything very hard or pointy near there.

If you are traveling, there are still lots of options. Pasta, cooked veggies, mashed potatoes, soup, etc at a restaurant. Soft cereal bars, muffins or soft bagels, bananas or other soft fruit for snacks. Yogurt, pudding, ice cream, cottage cheese... Tons of options. When you're hungry, you'll find something you can eat.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:52 pm
by susieq182
it depends on your pain tolerance. It also depends if you are going to have any appliances like a biteplate. I didnt have alot of pain when i first got braces and if it hadnt been for my bite plate I dont think I would have stayed on soft foods for more than 24 hrs. your extractions will most likely give you more pain then the braces will. follow the after care instructions and the pain from them will be gone in a few days. good luck.