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Newbie here...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:09 pm
by Manicmomma
Hi! I'm a 31 year old mother of 4 from Anchorage, Alaska. I'll be getting braces on March 31st. I'm nervous, excited and just plain out scared.

The state of my teeth has resulted in a major blow to my self-esteem for years and years. I was teased in school and now my son is getting the same type of teasing as he has inherited my bite as well.

I'm sure I'll be in and out with all sorts of questions and comments within the next 2-2 1/2 years (the amount of time estimated I'll have the braces on). So, bare with me. :)


Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:51 pm
by Sutsee
Hey I am 31 mother of 2 boys and just got braced yesterday. I am excited and anxious at the same time. It's a long time in coming huh? So sorry to hear about the teasing. Kids can be cruel. I hope things go well for you, keep us posted

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:07 pm
by Clairey Fairey
I've had all the bullying and self-esteem problems too. People can be so horrible :cry:

Good Luck on your brace day. Mine is on 26th so I know how you feel. Not to sure if I'm reallt excited or really scared. Can't quite work it out!!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:17 pm
by Manicmomma
Yea, what others will say and think is a concern for me. But how can it not be after years of torment by my peers as a child, you know? It feels like I'm bringing awareness to something I've tried to pretend was a non-issue to me for so long. I'll be fine and I've been inspired by the pics I've seen other other's progression on this site. It looks like pretty good progress is made within the first 6 months. I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones as well.

Thanks for the welcome! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:02 pm
by Willz
Hey! Yeah it's a bit scary at first. Don't even notice them after awhile.

I'm a teacher and I've had kids comment at work hehe.

Mommy Ditto

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:05 pm
by Mommynbraces

I am 31 years of age also. I have three children. I was always teased about the gap between my two front teeth. I get my braces place on April 2nd. Looks like we will have alot to talk about and enjoy our treatment together. Congradulations on the braces! How long did the doctor tell you for your length of treatment?

Re: Mommy Ditto

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:25 pm
by Manicmomma
Mommynbraces wrote:
I am 31 years of age also. I have three children. I was always teased about the gap between my two front teeth. I get my braces place on April 2nd. Looks like we will have alot to talk about and enjoy our treatment together. Congradulations on the braces! How long did the doctor tell you for your length of treatment?
I'm looking at 2 - 2 1/2 years then retainers afterwards. Fun, fun, fun, eh?

Yes, we seem to be going through this together! Lots in common.... :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:05 am
by hollywood_smile
b strong!!!! :wink: and congrads!

and as everybody says..u r doing this for you. so as long as u r happy with that, who cares what everyone else says.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:37 am
by egocidal
Welcome, Manicmomma. It's great to hear that you're on the road to pretty teeth, sad about getting teased though. Kids are kids, but words still hurt :(

Here's to a wonderful smile post-braces!! :D