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pre-ortho dental work

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:33 pm
by skyclad
I just sat in the dentist's office for 3 hours to talk to the dentist for 15 min maybe. Grrrr. Gotta love Western Dental.
Before I can even get braced I need my upper 2 wisdom teeth extracted, 14 fillings, and definitely one maybe 2 root canals and a cleaning. This will cost $2400 if I get silver fillings and 2700 if I dont. Sheesh.

So I bit the bullet and am getting my root canal on monday. My mom seems to think I will be staying home on tuesday. I dont necessarily need to talk for my job, I spend most of my day saying nothing, maybe singing with the radio.

I dont think I can convince them to fill some of those cavities on monday because a root canal in itself is a big deal. I am thinking the extractions will be next. Then the cleaning then the fillings. Maybe I can convince them to fill all at one time.

I can't wait to post that I am getting braced.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:36 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Well doing all the pre-dental work is a step in the direction so I will say. Congrats on getting started!


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:18 am
by lianas
Is western dental the only dentist in your area seems like 3 hours is way to long to wait to talk to someone? I would get a second opinion if a dentist said I needed all that work done. One time I had a dentist tell me I needed 5 crowns. That was 10 years ago. In that time I have had 1 crown not 5.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:03 am
by RightMyBite
Hang in there with all that dental work!

My root canal experience was probably atypical -- I was in so much pain from the infected root that it was a relief to have the root canal done. I didn't need any pain meds afterwards except OTC ibuprofen (which is what I was taking for the pain before the procedure anyway!) But you can add my experience to other things you hear about root canals, anyway.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:13 am
by becks
Wow, that's quite a tall order. I've had one root canal about 13 years ago. Didn't keep me from work or school. Now the wisdom teeth extraction may slow you down a day or two depending on how well you recover/tolerate pain..etc. Do they have you on antiboitics til your root canal appt?
Even if you weren't getting braces, you for sure need to get this dental work done. It will only get worse over time if not treated now. It is a big expense but you really don't want to leave it untreated any longer. I'm surprised you haven't been in pain!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:19 am
by Ives
Hey Skyclad, I sympathize with the having to get other work done before getting braced. Though ive never had a root canal and only 2 fillings in my life, I did have to wear an appliance for about 18 months before I could start braces. ( TMJ problem ) It's hard to wait once you've made the commitment, but it will be so worth the wait to do it right. Sounds like you have a lot of work to be done over the next little while, congrats on taking the leap and look forward to more updates.


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:04 am
by Delag
I agree with Lianas - you might want to get another opinion just to be sure. I went dentist shopping before I started all of this, and I was quite surprised that the opinions were so different. One would say I needed a root canal on one tooth, another would say I needed them on others, yet another said I didn't need any at all. For the record, I went with the guy who said....I can't tell you anything for sure untill I get in there and see, but here are the possibilities....


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:47 pm
by skyclad
Well thank you. I am proud of myself and while I am not looking forward to the work or the cost I know it needs to be done. I am looking forward to it being over with and having to deal with braces.

I have seen 2 orthos and 3 dentists and they all agree on the one root canal, 2 extractions and a cleaning. These last two dentists mentioned fillings just recently in addition to the above mentioned work. None of the orthos mentioned fillings but one I talked to said they had to be done before I could get braced because he wanted to work with a finished shape in order to make my bite as perfect as he could. I have met with one ortho i like but i have to come up with 900 to get braced and then 218 a month. That is kind of expensive but at least I know for sure I would have self lig braces.
Seeing the western dental ortho tomorrow that should be interesting.

It's kind of weird that even though the dentist didn't really do anything, now my teeth hurt and have hurt all day. No they did not put me on meds until my root canal. I have some augmentin left from bronchitis, but I will ask them tomorrow at ortho appt (same place as dentist) if they want me to take meds.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:51 pm
by becks
I'm sorry that you're teeth are hurting now. I remember taking an antibiotic before my root canal was done but it may have just been a precaution my dentist used that isn't really standard practice. I had to put up $600 up front, $150/month. It is a hefty amount to have to lay out all at once so I understand the issue with that. Wish you lots of luck with the procedures and finding an ortho you like with a payment plan you can afford. Keep us posted.

Antibiotics for dental work

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:48 pm
by skyclad
It is common practice for dentists to put one on abx before any dental work. My ortho backed this up. This is the case especially if you have had surgery in the last 3 years. I had ankle surgery in 2005 and they dont want any chance of infection sprouting somewhere else in your body due to your dental work. Because my root canal is not due to decay but instead a damaged nerve, I dont know if they feel abx are necessary. For the fillings, extractions and cleaning I am certain they will put me on meds first.

I have to put 280 down and 100 a month for 10 months then 95 for the final month. Then I get to pay for braces after that. I will be broke forever but I will have gorgeous teeth. :D

Re: Antibiotics for dental work

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:42 am
by rsprouse
It is common practice for dentists to put one on abx before any dental work. My ortho backed this up. This is the case especially if you have had surgery in the last 3 years. I had ankle surgery in 2005 and they dont want any chance of infection sprouting somewhere else in your body due to your dental work.
It is not common practice to prescribe antibiotics prior to dental treatment. You will be prescribed a regime if you have an active infection to help lower the number of bugs and control the infection. It is very dangerous to do many dental procedures if there is an active infection due to the potential to spread the infection. But not all RCT's are due to an infection. Some people will premedicate before dental treatment for certain past medical conditions including mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation, history of rheumatic fever, prosthetic heart valve, joint replacement surgery in the last 3 years (some MD's prefer 5 years but the AAOS says 3 years), etc. This is to prevent bacterial endocarditis a potentially fatal (but extermely rare) condition. If you are premedicating before all dental procedures I am guessing you have something in your past medical history that indicates it. Just so you know, the ADA only recommends pre-med for certain dental procedures that have the potential to go subgingival. Ortho appointments after banding and routine dental work (cleanings and fillings) don't usually fall under the realm of requiring pre-med. But many dentists will have a patient premedicate regardless of the procedure as a precaution. As always, you should listen to your treating clinician.

Good Luck,

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:51 am
by becks
You know Rory that reminded me, I may have been given the antibiotics before my root canal because of a heart murmur rather than an active infection. I used to have to take antibiotics before ANY dental treatment, including cleanings. But after I had a echo done to specificially diagnose the type of murmur I have, I no longer have to take them for that reason.

I stand corrected

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:45 pm
by skyclad
I asked my dentist today and they said they are not putting me on abx before my root canal.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:56 pm
by Clairey Fairey
Yeah, I had to have 8 fillings, a crown and an extraction!!

But it feels great to know that they are all done now and that I don't have any more holes in my teeth!! I had white fillings too which were groovy.

Good Luck with the treatment, you'll feel good when it's all done. Don't forget to ask the dentist for a bravery sticker and a balloon!!


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:19 pm
by skyclad
Went to the Western Dental ortho today, good news!!!
It's looking like my braces may go on right after easter. Woo hoo.