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Mini vent

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:05 am
by Tiffchelle
Greetings to everyone! I just needed to get this off my chest.

At my adjustment in February, my ortho said my teeth were looking great, and I'd probably have them off with just a few more working visits. I was so happy to hear that, though not surprised, since I knew I wouldn't have to have my braces for more than 15-18 months. Anyhow, at that time I had been wearing elastics for 6 weeks. He didn't mention anything about the elastics, and one of the (new) techs did the work and also didn't mention the elastics. I wondered about it briefly, and took it as a blessing that I wouldn't have to wear them anymore. Silly me . . .

So anyhow, yesterday, my ortho says to stay in the same elastics. When I get to the tech, another new girl, she says "You can stop your elastics." I asked her to say it again. A few minutes later I asked one more time, and I began to doubt what I had heard the ortho say. One my way back to work it kept nagging at me, so I called the office, and sure enough, I should be wearing the elastics. I'm glad I called.

I'll make sure to double check everything from now on before I leave the office. They usually are wonderful, and I really don't have any complaints, but this makes 2 occasions where there was miscommunication about my elastics. I just don't want to lengthen my treatment time over something like this.

Okay, I'm done (sorry so long). I'm so glad to have this board!


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:59 am
by becks
If something like that happens...the ortho says one thing then the tech later says something different.... I would specifically tell the tech to ask the ortho again if that is the correct information and tell the tech the info they are giving you is NOT what the ortho said. I'm sure the tech really thought she was giving you the correct info and people do make mistakes, even if they aren't new. But I completely understand your frustration.