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Creaky Teeth

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:09 pm
by LadyTr0uble
Now, i know that teeth do get kinda "creaky, or loose, during treatment, and I've had that happen, and it didn't bother me.

I was eating a sandwich from Cosi's today(yeah, still eating everything I crave), and a weird thing happened. It sounded my front teeth made this noice that sounded like a cross between a pop and creak and my front bottom teeth had this tight feeling, just like that feeling you get when you get your adjustment. That pressure eased after about 15 minutes. But now that I've done my end of the day cleaning, it popped in my head to maybe ask about it.

There has been and will be a lot of movement on my front bottom teeth because of the crowding problem there and a lateral was removed to solve that problem. So we are now working on closing the gap completely, and also get my one bottom lateral to turn (I shouldn't complain since it has moved since the beginning of treatment, a noticeable difference there).

The things that bother me about this one "pop" is that it was pretty loud to my ears, and the sudden tightness on my front bottom teeth. I'd initially thought that I might have broken something and had checked in the mirror and everything looks normal.

I should stop obssessing over my teeth and get some sleep...

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:24 pm
by jalapeno
I might have one of those lower front teeth removed to solve crowding. How long is it taking to close that gap up?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:33 pm
by Zondrae
I've got the same "creaky" feeling in one of my banded molars right now. It feels gross! And I can't seem to keep my tongue away from it, so it pops & clicks all the time.

If everything looks ok, I wouldn't worry. Maybe check with your ortho if you are really concerned.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:58 pm
by tommyfive
got my braces on today and i had a 'pop' almost a minute after they put the ligs on, while i was still in the chair. i was sure a bracket had already popped off. i told the assistant and she looked in right away. it all looked fine. they said it was normal especially right after a new wire's been put in and things start to tighten up.

what seems likely to me is that the wire just moved through the brackets a bit when you took a good bite of whatever that was. my guess is that was the 'pop.' the tightness would have been the result of the movement.

first i'd check it in the mirror. if nothing looks unusual (no ligs popped off, no new kinks in the wire, etc) i'd give it a day or two to settle back in - you might even get another pop and a release of the tightness. and don't forget to floss - the tightness could just be caused by a bit of food caught in between a couple of teeth!

if it doesn't settle back down, then i'd lay off a bit on the tough chewing (hard/crusty breads!) and maybe call the ortho.

i'll be in nyc in a few weeks - where's cosi's? i miss nyc pizza, bagels and delis!



Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:16 pm
by LadyTr0uble
Jalapeno: It’s been 4 months and my gap is not entirely closed, instead the two teeth lean on each other (think upside down V), so the gap is not as noticeable. The two teeth have been leaning on each other for about two months now.

Tommy: there are Cosi’s all over Manhattan. There is one on 31st and Park Ave. But I am sure that you will come across one. Are you originally from NYC? Have a good trip!

Karen: Thanks for the info… once again! You are seriously a walking ortho encyclopedia.