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teeth sooo slimy!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:22 am
by ema27
Hi i have had my braces since january-all is well not any noticeable changes yet-couple of gaps appeared then went but everything takes time i guess.Anyway has any one else got really slimey teeth-i never noticed before but this past 2 weeks i find my self constantly swallowing before i speak to ,make sure its not visable when im talking..sound familar or am i on my own.... :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:56 am
by lilzoya3
I know exactly what you're talking about! My ortho explained that your mouth recognizes the braces as a foreign object and secretes saliva to break it though it were food. Gross, but it explains why we all create so much spit with these things in.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:30 am
by Ives
Same here, lots of saliva all day. I have to talk into a handie talkie radio all day and sometimes I catch myself spitting into the radio. I have to make sure my mouth is somewhat dry before talking or I sound like Sylvester the cat. :yuck:

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:57 am
by Manicmomma
Oh man. That doesn't sound like much fun. Definitely not looking forward to that!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:19 am
by rkjohnson1969
slimy might be a bit strong - it's not really that bad....I do brush my teeth a lot more often - but that's good anyway, since I was so used to chewing sugarless gum all the time and now I can't.... (I know some of you can, but right now my teeth are hitting together in a wierd way when I chew - will be glad when they move a bit more!)


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:35 pm
by ema27
Yeah im afraid is it that bad!!!!!! :x Not all the time but there are days when my teeth are slimey .im glad im not alone :D
hopefully this is just a phase and soon it will be back like it use too!!!!!