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Is it okay to have more than one adjustment in 6 weeks?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:03 pm
by pcgal
The last time I went in to get my clear elastics changed, my doctor came over and made another adjustment (added another wire instead of an elastic and sanded down some teeth)...and this was just 2 weeks after the previous adjustment. I almost said that I was only there to get my elastics replaced, but then I thought, "hey, quicker adjustments mean I get these things off faster!" Needless to say, its been a rough 3+ weeks with all the work that was done. I don't know if he thought I was there for an adjustment and didn't know I was there just to get bands...or if he meant to do it. I didn't ask....

Sooooo, other than the pain that seems to go on forever, is there any harm in getting more than one adjustment done in 6 weeks?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:15 pm
by Lisa65
I've gone in the past just to have ligs put back on where they've popped off, or to have a wire clipped, and ended up having much more than that done. Other times I've had adjustments scheduled at 2 or 3 week intervals because he needs to keep a closer eye on my progress (my treatment is pretty complex though)

I don't think there's necessarily any problem, as long as you can stand the added discomfort of having adjustments more closely spaced.

If in future you're just there for a lig change and your ortho comes at you with a new wire, best just say if you don't feel like you want it done that day. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:36 pm
by pcgal
That's a relief! I had heard from a friend that when she had braces (a long time ago) it affected the roots and made them more shallow. I couldn't remember why but I thought she'd had a lot of movement in a short amount of time. I just got a little worried!