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Spacers aren't that bad!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:45 pm
by Clairey Fairey
Hey all,

Just to say I had my spacers put in on 21.3.07 (2 days ago) and they aren't as bad as they sound, well not for me anyway, I'm sure some people might disagree!!

Spacers went in - Yey No Pain
Went straight to work after - No pain for the rest of the day.
Woke up the next day - ouch, teeth were aching a bit and eating was difficult.
This evening - Starting to feel better. No painkillers were needed :-)

So, all in all, I thought that spacers were gonna be horrid and painful but to be honest, the pain after my tooth extraction was worse.

I might just be lucky, but thought I'd post this incase anyone is nervous about having spacers.

Braces in 4 days...

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:05 pm
by lionfish
Good one, clairey fairy.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:45 pm
by loulou123
Hi clairy fairy

I completely agree with you, the spacers didnt really bother me in the slightest within 48 hours i was eating hard foods with no real discomfort at all. Tho judging from what everyone else has written we must be the lucky ones.

Did have one bad experiance tho when they put extra spacers in few weeks after being braced as it felt like teeth were being pulled and pushed at same time. :shock:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:57 am
by Lisa65
good news Clairey :D I found them more annoying than anything else. It felt like I had a bit of meat stuck in my teeth all the time, but after about 3 days I'd got used to them and didn't really notice them anymore.

Let's hope your braces day is just as trouble free for you.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:45 pm
by nancoy
I can't say the same. I think it depends on how close together your teeth are. Mine were difficult to get in so I think that was most of my pain, making them go in she hit my gums. The pain settled after the first week and on the second week they didn't hurt then on the third week they came out and I had to have them put back in which hurt worse then the first time so I was in pain for the 3 days before I got braced.
Good luck with your brace journey and post some pics when you get them on! ~Nancy


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:06 pm
by Clairey Fairey
They are still ok, I can't eat really hard things but other than that they don't hurt. It is obvious my teeth have moved though. One of my front teeth is now overlapping the other due to more crowding of the teeth!! Oh well, at least that means I can't back out of having braces now, my teeth are worse than before the spacers!

Will post pics soon...

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:30 pm
by MsViola
Glad to hear you have not suffered with spacers. I think the theory about pain being related to the closeness of teeth is correct. I have several crowns which are right next to each other. My first round of 7 spacers equaled 30 days of PAIN (I have a high threshold of pain) just in time for the Christmas holidays. I got more spacer on 3-14-07. Luckily I only had PAIN for 4 days. Now I barely notice they are there. That being said I would gladly endure the pain again. I am happy that I made the choice to get braces and I already see results.

Enjoy your braces!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:30 am
by jess214
Yay :)

When I had spacers, they weren't as bad as some people described them to be either. It was only sore when I tried to chew on food with my molars, but otherwise they caused no pain at all!

Weird though, cause if I remember correctly, it didn't hurt at all the first few days.. the soreness only kicked in near the end. *shrug.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:51 pm
by Marianne
I agree the spacers were not bad at all. I had read amny stories about the pain people felt and was nervous about getting them. I had them in for 7 days and I found them to be annoying, but no pain.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:04 am
by chicklets
I've had my spacers for 2 days now. They are mostly just annoying -- feel like I have food in my teeth. Yesterday morning, it was tender to bite down, but I managed with soft food. As long as I was not biting anything, no pain at all. Today I feel fine, but still like I have food in my teeth.

I get the bands next week. I presume that when they take the spacers out (ouch!), the bands will slide on nicely with no pain, right?


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:34 am
by 3Scorpios
I just got my spacers out yesterday (when I got braces), I had them for 2 weeks and they weren't that bad as far as *pain* but they were horrid to try to eat for about 9 days :roll: .... no crunchies, etc I lived on soup & mashed potatos (and milkshakes!) for the first week almost! Just started feeling better this past weekend and BAM! Now I have my braces on so back to the drawing board! LOL!
Night before braces I had a big burger, chips, popcorn and some jelly beans! :lol: Had to get it out of my system!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 7:56 am
by Clairey Fairey
Yeah I was the same, only had pain when eating on the molars, I was just about able to eat again when I got braces on!! So the pain is back. The bands went on easily though without any pain, the only problem I've had with the bands is that they have a large metal bit that is digging into the sides of my mouth, getting used to it now though

I still can't bite with my molars so my only means of eating is to push food up into my top front teeth (that aren't braced yet) coz I can't eat on the bottom front teeth and all the back ones (upper and lower)!! Getting easier by the day though :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:13 am
by chlorine23
I've found that so far, spacers have been the most painful for me. The assistant cut my gums going in (put them in with pliers). When I went to get bands fitted for my teeth, they had to remove them and put them back in. Miraculously I wanted them back in after feeling the gap in between my teeth. Kinda scary. But as she put them back in (with floss this time, much more gentle) I felt an incredible amount of pressure. It was kinda funy because she did two on one side, and while she was getting ready to do the other side, my head started to spin because there was a lot of pressure on one side and not the other. Would've knocked me over if I had been standing. Totally affected my sense of balance until she got the other side in.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:00 pm
by Clairey Fairey
The assistant cut my gums going in (put them in with pliers).
Mine went in with pilers too!!
Why can't you bite with your molars?

This is because of the spacers, pain was just getting better but now the bands have brought it back. It's getting alot better now though and chewing is becoming easier :-)

Still doing salt water rinses and wax is always good :)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:27 pm
by KatK
Glad to hear spacers aren't giving you trouble! They didn't bother me at all either - i had only 8 total - on the top only. I found maccoroni and cheese was my favorite meal when i had the spacers in! :-)