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Weight loss due to having braces

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:09 pm
by bracesafter40
Hi all,

Since my tooth extraction on Feb., 20, 2007 and then being top braced on Feb. 28, 2007, I've lost 13lbs. (I was 218 before) It is not that I don't want to eat, but that it is hard to eat and whenever I do, the brackets really do a number on my upper inner lips. I've also stopped snacking and is drinking lots of soup and eating a lot of chicken and rice, fruits and vegetable.

I did want to lose some weight, so I am not worried and the weight loss has actually done me well and people have noticed and commented.

i actually did not notice I had lost weight until about two weeks after the extraction, when I noticed I had lost 10lbs.

Anyone else had similar results after being braced?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:18 pm
by osubeanbags
I lost 5 lbs in the first two days after being braced, but it's not too hard to eat now ... have you asked your ortho about it?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:54 pm
by Lillers
I've been in braces for 2 years now, and they haven't slowed me down much at all in terms of enjoying my food -- and lots of it.

Even after I had my jaw surgery shortly before Christmas, I don't think I lost more than five pounds or so, as I was very cognizant of the need to consume lots of protein and other nutrients in order to heal properly.

However... for the past couple of months, I've been wearing elastics, and these contraptions definitely have resulted in some weight loss. It's certainly not that I've been dieting or even that I'm unable to eat certain types of foods. It's just that I have to thoroughly clean my teeth after eating and before putting on fresh elastics. That being the case, I find I don't snack nearly as much as I used to -- it's too much of a hassle :!:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:51 am
by Lisa65
I've lost some weight (10lbs or so intotal), usually after major adjustments or having screws put in. I'm naturally a fast eater, but when my teeth are tender following an adjustment I have to eat slower and thereby find that I feel full sooner, so eat a bit less during that period.

It sounds like it's more the stopping of snacking and starting eating healthier food like chicken and vegetables which is responsible for the weight loss in your case, and perhaps eating slower and thereby feeling full sooner if you are naturally a quick eater. Enjoy the new slimmer you :D

Eating doesn't have to be too uncomfortable. Like the other posters have said, keep the wax on while you're eating and make sure you keep yourself hydrated. A soft diet if your teeth are tender makes getting enough nutrients easier.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:23 am
by RightMyBite
I've found I'm losing a little weight. However, it's not because I can't eat enough/what I want to with braces.

I'm losing the weight because I have healthier eating patterns with braces. I don't snack between meals (because then I'd have to go away from my desk to brush!) and I don't drink carbonated beverages unless it's a special occasion. Just those two changes make a big difference, whether or not you have braces!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:36 am
by chlorine23
I can see what you mean about the losing weight. My teeth have been tender enough that even soft foods are way too painful to eat. But I guess everyone is different. And the not snacking can be a good thing too. However, Meryaten is right and you need to make sure you're getting the right nutrition, even if it's in a small amount of food. After awhile, soft foods can get unappealing. If you're having trouble getting food down, have one of those Ensure drinks. I don't really like the taste, but I know how many calories I'm getting as well as much needed vitamins and minerals. I know the weight I've lost is due to being lazy and stubborn about what I feel like eating (it's only a pound or two). In between adjustments and the tenderness, treat yourself to whatever you can eat because you know ahead of time when your teeth will be hurting.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:43 pm
by BraceMom
I was braced almost a month ago, with spacers a week before that and I still cannot eat most foods. And it's not a choice as some on here have said, my teeth are so tender I cannot bite anything and there's only one spot on my right side that I can chew even very soft foods. Everyone has different sensitivity levels, for instance I have no problems with the braces causing canker sores or other sores on my lips, tongue or gums (well past the first week that is), my teeth are just so sensitive I can't even put them slightly together to chew and feel soreness all the way into my gums. So most of what I eat is very soft like beans, rice, eggs, pancakes, soup and such. And I could eat enough to sustain myself but I am sick of the same soft foods and miss my daily salads. I see the ortho for my first visit next Tuesday and will be discussing this with him but I honestly don't see a time when my teeth won't be this sore and sensitive, it may be something I just have to live with through this process. So yes, I've lot weight, 10 lbs now which isn't a horrible thing per se, I was trying to lose that last 20 lbs of baby weight but it's a tough way to get the pounds off.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:50 pm
by alexa
I wish I had lost weight over the last two years. :roll:

Thing is, when it comes to food, I'm a trooper...I came home from getting fitted with braces and ate a cheeseburger and fries just like I normally would have. The next two years followed suit. :oops: :lol: 8) 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:32 pm
by jennielee81
Braces there is no need to loose weight with braces ... and in fact if you do, there's a higher than good chance you'll gain it back plus more, due to this not being related to a change in lifestyle.
Oh boy is that true!!

I lost about 8 pounds to begin with and gained 12!!! I found that the soft foods I was eating were high in fat and calories. When I went back to "regular" food, I continued eating my new yummy soft foods.....

I am out of braces for 2 months now and am fighting to knock off about 10 pounds. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:38 pm
by ame_malia
I only wish that braces caused weight loss! The only time this process has impeded eating for me was when I had those evil spacers in my teeth. I barely ate anything during that time, but as soon as they were out, watch out food! And now that my bite plate is off and I can more easily bite into sandwiches and things, there is definately nothing in the way of me eating whatever I want.

braces and weight loss

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:31 pm
by skyclad
one of the girls at work said she lost some weight because she didn't even want to eat after being braced. She has since then learned how to eat and has since gained the weight back.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:41 pm
by bracesafter40
Bracemom, I'm just like you then, for now, it is soft foods until I can bite with confidence. Chewing is much better now, but it took 24 braced days to get to this point. My underbite just makes it difficult to eat properly...
I have not spoken to my Ortho as yet, but will on April 4.

I do take my multi-vitamins everyday.
Glad to hear other stories, keep them coming.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:01 pm
by Clairey Fairey
Oh I hope not!! I don't want to lose any weight. I struggle to put weight on, although I love my food I have a fast metabolism and don't ever seem to gain anything.

I'm happy with my size now, wouldn't want to lose weight though!!

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:25 pm
by joney
Initially with extractions and then the brace fitting I lost about 7lbs but I soon got back into my routine and apart from crunchy baguettes (I miss them) and sticky sweets I eat everything I ate before. The 7lbs that I lost went back on quite quickly.

I think after a short period of time adjusting to braces you can pretty much eat most things you did before so there is no real reason to lose weight.

It might be more interesting when I get elastics as it will probably stop me snacking. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:12 pm
by srg1977
For me, it's been 25 lbs and counting that i've lost. It needed to happen, so i'm not at all disappointed. And i'm hoping it will be permanent, since i've been braced for almost a year now.

It hasn't been a matter of not eating, but just picking different foods. For whatever reason, I haven't been able to eat certain things because of texture or whatever. Things that I have never been able to eat and an pretty well resigned to it: bread in almost every form, lettuce, raw spinach, nuts, steak, and some cold cereals (Alphabits and Cornpops I miss the most).

But if you look at the list above, you'd never guess that I can chew raw green peppers, some french fries, homemade waffles, steamed carrots, and tortellini. The pasta, btw, astonished my sister who wore braces in her teens - she told me there was no way she could have eaten them. But I don't have a problem.

So my advice would be to not keep trying the same foods and getting frustrated because it hurts too much. Just keep trying different ones until you get to a reasonable variety.

FYI, fish has become one of my diet staples - it's the one kind of meat that has never caused pain.