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Highlighter-yellow ligs! :(

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:22 am
by jess214
I couldn't resist and finally gave into a nice takeaway order of beef and potato curry.. and after an immediate intensive brush session, I now have neon-yellow ligatures! Not only that, I also stained my toothbrush. :(

My teeth look kind of weird now because some of my teeth have wire ties on them while some others have (originally) clear ligatures, so they're uneven. (e.g. my front left teeth and the two teeth on its left have wire ties, while a random tooth next to it would have a now-dyed ligature! ACK!)

The things I do for good food!

And I still have two more weeks before my next adjustment.
I'm going to go and hide in my room for the next two weeks now. : P

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:39 am
by fitchick
Ha, Ha, Jess that's funny!

I was wondering whether if I ate quick enough and then cleaned, or maybe just ate using my back teeth and then cleaned if I'd get away with it. Perhaps I will treat myself to a chilli or curry meal once every 6 weeks, the day prior to my lig change.


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:53 am
by BraceMom
Jess, call your Ortho...if I feel like my clear ligs are stained I can make a quickie appt to get them changed between appointments, it takes literally 5 minutes so maybe your doc's office will do the same.

must be the part of the world you live in

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:01 am
by skyclad
I have never met so many people who eat curry so often as some of you. This is not an insult but merely an observation.
i found it to be interesting that person after person is worried that curry will stain the ligs.

I live in Arizona and love Mexican and Italian food so if I was going to stain my ligs it would be from red sauce from enchiladas or spaghetti sauce.

I got to watch some girl get her ligs changed and she asked for white ligs and the ortho flat refused. He told her they stain and I found myself adding "especially if you eat curry." How funny.

Just thought I would share. This probably belongs in off topic so my apologies.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:46 am
by lemonlyme
Same here-
I dont even know anyone who eats curry. I live in Oregon, it is interesting the amount of people here on archwired mention it.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:30 pm
by fitchick
I only started eating homemade curry at christmas after we bought a spice rack. Since then, although I don't often eat curry, I do cook with various different indian spices, cajun and chilli's etc. I never realised how often I 'spice things up' until I can't have them anymore. Even my roast potatoes have cajun seasoning on them!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:35 pm
by jess214
Oh, I'm Chinese and from Hong Kong, so we have all sorts of international food here, including a gazillion varieties of curry: Indian, Japanese, Thai, Malay, Chinese, etc. They even have instant curry in supermarkets. :D

But I don't eat curry thaat much normally.. I think it's because I'm not supposed to eat them (due to my ligs) that's making me crave it more. And this was the first time that I've had them since 2007! : P

skyclad, I've been eating spaghetti a lot for the past month or two (and it just so happens that these have been the only months that I've been given clear ligatures - I had wire ties before only) and it doesn't really stain that much. Over time, obviously the ligatures would get stained by the time before your next adjustment, but they're not that noticeable unless you look at them under really good lighting and stare at them for a few more moments.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:45 pm
by Lisa65
I don't think curry is really an American thing. In the UK we have a large Asian population and of course they brought their own culture and delicious recipes with them. Even the smallest town will have at least one curry house and Chinese restaurant/takeaway.

Finding Mexican food would be a more difficult challenge. Of course there are Mexican restaurants, but only larger towns would have one.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:35 pm
by Zondrae
in Australia we have all sorts of cuisines - very lucky! I try to only eat curries the week before my adjustment so I don't have to put up with neon ligs for long :lol:

I couldn't live without my curry....... Must be from living in Asia for a long time.

Food around the world

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:09 pm
by skyclad
Karen, I will be moving to your side of the world in the next year or so if things go right. It's a slim possibility that we move to Austrailia as opposed to the planned New Zealand.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:21 am
by MsViola
Hope they will change your ligs soon. I am glad to know I am not the only one who didn't know about Curry. I guess my clear/white ligs are safe :lol: