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Braces/Interviewing for jobs

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:51 pm
by smc84
Hi everyone;
I'm 21 years old, and just recently found out that I'll need to get braces. This site has been really informative and very comprehensive: ) .

I have a kind of weird question... I'm graduating from college this May, and am starting to look for jobs and go out for interviews. I'm wondering if anyone has been in this situation? I'm worried that my new "look" will put me at a disadvantage when I go out for interviews... I know we would all like to believe that we'd be judged only on our qualifications, but that's often not the case. Has anyone here had to look for jobs, put themselves on the job market with braces, and been successful? I'm almost considering postponing my treatment until I actually land a job and after I've graduated. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:07 pm
by phanta
I haven't interviewed for jobs, but I'm self-employed and have met new clients in braces (all-ceramic, btw). They didn't seem to react to my teeth at all, but I mostly deal with people in their late30's and older.

If somebody in their 20's was hiring, they may have a different reaction. For what positions will you be applying? Do you look younger than your age?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:34 pm
by BlueeyedManda
I got my current job right after I got my braces too. I have ceramics. I don't think some of my coworkers even knew I had them until i was there a few weeks.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:25 pm
by Izzy
I just wanted to add another view. I actually hired a woman about your age who had braces a few years ago. This was before I was seriously considering braces.

I noticed that she had braces, but didn't give her braces any consideration either negative or positive. The job was an internship in politics with lots of public contact.

She had her braces removed during the internship. She looked wonderful and we were all very happy for her!!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:32 am
by kfarri
I highly suggest you wait until you get a job and get settled. You will be so nervous for the first couple of weeks/months that you don't need one more thing to stress out about. (Although I don't know your personality or level of confidence.)

I am 21 as well and teach second grade. I knew I needed braces as a teenager but foolishly chose not to at the time. I wanted to get them in college but it wasn't the right time. There never is a "right time" but I knew I wanted to get settled in with my new profession before I began my treatment. I have had my braces (all metal) on for 3 months now and I only have 16 more months to go. The students were curious at first but now they think they are really cool. The parents of the students have been nothing but supportive as well and my fellow teachers have been great as well. There are still days that I "regret" my descision but I know it will be gorgeous as soon as I am done.

All in all DO IT, sooner better than later, but let yourself get adjusted in life after college and then do it. It will make it a bit easier on you!


interviewing with braces

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:58 am
by aschelkin
Hi - I'm 21 and actually just got braces put on March 28th (Damon on top and bottom, so I've pretty much got the typical brace face).

I am not graduating until May 2008, but I did interview for business marketing internships this March. I waited to get braces put on until after I secured a position only beacause I didn't want to risk feeling less confident being newly braced. I am starting an internship at a large corporation at the beginning of May.

My suggestion to you is to make an appointment with an orthodontist for a consultation and for your records (xrays, impressions, photos) to get the process started. I recommend that you then interview (good luck by the way!) and make an appointment to get braces immediately after securing a position. If having braces is any issue for you (as it is for me) you should wait to get them on because you cannot risk any distractions from your level of confidence!

I would like to stress that the ONLY reason not to get your braces on prior to interviewing would be because of personal confidence/comfort levels. You should consider the fact that having braces is only a "big deal" to you. Adults, especially in the professional world, will not even think twice about your braces, and you could very well make a more memorable impression (which is all that matters at an interview!)

I start my internship in May - it involves a lot of public speaking and meeting with executives. I am not at all worried about my image with braces in the workplace, and to tell you the truth - I was more self consious about my new grin in front of my 4 year old nephew, and even he only looked at them for 5 seconds and moved on. Just goes to show you, they are not at all a big deal!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:48 am
by BillyNPhoenix

It’s so different for everyone, but I would recommend going ahead with your treatment now. I was in a similar situation – I interviewed for a position the day after my impressions. I was offered the job, started work, and then had a palate expander and upper braces installed one week after I started.

The reason I say do it now is because I think it would be nice to get braced prior to starting any new position so you have a change to get used to everything. It didn’t take long for my speech to get back to normal, but I was a bit embarrassed meeting new people and training with slurred speech; and because it was hard to eat for the first couple of weeks I was super tired and starving all day. Now that I’m used to everything I don’t even think about them being there – I would have loved to be at this point before I started.

Another thing to think about is insurance. My new employer’s benefits only cover orthodontics till age 18 and I was told by our HR folks that unfortunately more employers are going this route to reduce costs; so if you are in a situation now where do you have some coverage you should take advantage of that while you can, it may not be there later.

Good luck with the job search!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:36 pm
by acd
I interviewed a candidate for a job today whose teeth looked a lot like mine before I got my braces put on five months ago and couldn't stop thinking to myself how bad his teeth look and how much he needed braces.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:24 pm
by smc84
Thank you all for your responses! (Sorry I didn't respond earlier-- was very busy and didn't log onto the the message board). It's reassuring to hear your stories about interviewing and how much braces really don't matter in the process. I don't know how many of the rest of you are in the US, but my dental insurance doesn't even cover orthodontics, so coverage isn't the issue, really. I think my apprehension mainly stems from superficial issues: I don't want to be seen in braces in the graduation photos! Nevertheless, now that I know I have to get them, I kind of just want to get them as soon as possible, so I can get out of them as soon as possible!

Thanks for all the insight and good wishes.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:27 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Hi there smc84 I'm currently 21 and will be turning 22 in July, I have had a few interviews while wearing braces. In fact the last interview I had we ended up talking a bit about my braces so it made interesting conversation.

Well I didn't get the job cause tehy wanted to pay so little but I had a fun time.

Anyways goodluck with your interviews.



Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:37 pm
by skyclad
Maybe you will find a support group at work wherever you end up being employed. I am very lucky to work with people who either have braces now, are getting them, or have just had them removed. They are all very supportive. my boss is 26 and has full metal damons and she looks so cute. She is super supportive, one of the receptionists is getting ready to get hers off while another just got hers on. I am pretty sure you will find someone who will appreciate your situation.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:14 pm
by SDFD TSchott
I still work for Home Depot a few days a week but thing I've noticed is when I got braces things had blasted quickly, there is alot of workers there that got braces right after me. I must be an influence.
