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One year progress pics!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:00 am
by nita
Hi all!
Today marked the end of my first year in braces and the beginning of the second one!

I'm very happy with my progress so far and wanted to share my pics with everyone. The first set is two weeks into treatment, and the second was taken today.

As you can see, I had my four first premolars extracted and I had a small anterior openbite at the beginning of treatment.

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My estimated treatment time at the beginning was 30-36 months, but my orthodontist believes that I should be done 10-12 months from now, which would make my total treatment time 22-24 months! What a difference!

All my progress has been the result of plain old metal brackets, powerchains, wire ties, ligs, archwires, and the ortho's hands. I've had minimal pain and now hardly even notice the braces are there.

I recently switched orthos because my first one moved away, and I am even more happy with my new orthodontist than I was with the first one!

To all you who are just getting started, stick with it! You will be pleased with your results. Braces are what you make of them, and I'm sooo happy that they've treated me so well. :D

Best of luck to everyone on their braces journey! :-88


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:36 am
by Zondrae
Nita you should be really pleased! Your arches are looking good & you have come such a long way in a year. Thanks for sharing with us :D

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:34 am
by MariaMetalMouth
Wow, that's great progress!!
And congrats on the 1 year mark, we must have had them put on the same day - it's a year for me today too :D

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:45 am
by chicklets
You pics look great and really show how your mouth has changed. Your teeth are making fantastic progress!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:42 am
by Ives
Wow, what a difference a year can make. You have got to be pleased with the results !!!!!!!!!! I love seeing progress pics, makes it all worth it.

Congrats on the shorter treatment time as well. Nice Job


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:23 am
by phanta
What a fantastic change :) Congratulations on your anniversary!

And it's great to hear about treatment time get shorter, not longer, like it usually seems to! :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:30 am
by nita
Thanks everyone! :rose:

And a happy braces anniversary to you MariaMetalMouth :-V

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:08 am
by Manicmomma
Very inspiring. Thanks so much for posting your pics!