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I can't believe how fast

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:07 am
by mary88
Hi everyone, I have to share this with you becauseI know this will encourage some of you. I have had my braces for only 34 days today. My primary reason for getting them was because of my canines on both sides on the top. Before being braced I had one canine removed because it was still a baby tooth that in the x-rays you could see that it was deteriorating. I was also told that the adult tooth would not come down without orthodontic help. So I decided to go the whole route, get braces and fix this once and for all.

Okay so now that you have a little background let me tell you what is making me so damn excited. When the braces went on there was only a small area of the adult tooth that was through the gum. Just small enough that they were barely able to put a button on it (some of the button dug into my gums a little.) Well here we are 34 days later and that canine is almost all the way down) It moved so much in just one month that I had to call my ortho yesterday and go in because I had so much extra wire that it was sticking out the back cutting up my mouth. I am so thrilled to not have that huge gap that I cannot even tell you. After the hygienist cut the extra wire she told me that when I go for myfirst adjustment (april 23) that they will be able to take off the button and bracket it.

Let me tell you I have had a rough time adjusting to the braces(teeth grinding,eating problems, mouth sores etc) But now I am so excited to see further progress.

I wish I could figure out this whole picture thing so I could show you but I am not that computer literate. And for those of you wondering. I am 40 years old. Thanks for being my sounding board and constant source of encouragement. Mary88

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:15 am
by WiredforSound

Sounds like your making really good progress already!

I think there is a section of How do I - where it gives you the how to post pictures on this website. Can't wait to see them!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:28 am
by bracesafter40
figure out the pictur ething and send us a picture soone!

baby teeth at 40, cool; i'm 41 and just got braces 29 days ago, so visible movement at all so i'm jealous.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:17 am
by chlorine23
Wow, that's awesome! And encouraging too! I'm hoping like crazy mine goes that way... although I've already been told differently. According to my surgeon, it's going to be a difficult move. I am however, very proud that my surgeon told my ortho that my surgery was the most difficult thing he's ever done. Go me!

Doesn't say much for my mouth journey though...

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:50 am
by Manicmomma
Sounds awesome, Mary! Can't wait to see a pic!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:47 am
by chlorine23
So I had a check-up with the surgeon yesterday. He was amazed my ortho was able to get chains onto my teeth. I'm so concerned about the possibility of them not moving. Imagine my disgust when he says "oh yeah, I can see them moving already", my heart leapt!!! I said "really?" and he said, "no, I just made that story up". Oh pooh on him. I should've known being as it's been a whole 3 days.