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hi, i'm new here!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:54 am
by ariel86
Hi, i'm new here! I just turned 21 and i still have a few more years in school. I will be getting braces really soon, on the 18th of april (which is less than 3 weeks!!!). My goal is to correct spacing and overjet.

i've consulted an ortho the first time like 5 years ago but they told me it would take 30 months of treatment. so i decided not to go into treatment. and 3 weeks ago i reconsidered treatment and went to another orthodontist and he told me it would take ONLY 10 to 12 months! ( 10 months its nothing!!that means i will have perfect teeth when I get out of school and look for a career! :D )so I said yes and was really excited.

at first I wanted invisalign but after I read about it on the internet I felt like it was less risky to go with braces... he offered me to choose between ceramic or metal, and i chose ceramic, but he wants to do my bottom teeth in metal and i think i will try to ask him if its really impossible to do bottom in ceramic too, because we see my bottom teeth alot when i smile!

And I have a question: i just got a new piercing on the left side of my nose (really small fake diamond kind), do you think that when i get braces i should take it off?do you think is it going to be like too much stuff going on in my face?

anyway, i'm not really stressed by the treatment, I just hope i will not have a too hard time eating and that it will not make my life complicated!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:56 am
by Manicmomma
No, leave the nose piercing in. I bet it'll still look great even with the braces!

Welcome to the forums!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:57 pm
by Gap
Woohoo! I'm getting mine on the 17th. And, you should totally keep your piercing in. Very cool.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:14 pm
by awillis42606
Congrats on making the decision to get braces. And that's awesome that it's only going to take about a year... I'll be in braces for 18-24 months...

Keep the nose rings... I think it's totally cute, and I don't think it will be too much with the braces. I've wanted to get a small (fake) diamond nose ring for a few years now, but I'm too much of a chicken... However, after going through what I've gone thro the past few weeks with braces... think I might be able to handle it... not sure!!! lol.. prolly won't do it!!

Congrats and welcome. Hope you enjoy this board as much as I do. The people here a very friendly and willing to help you solve your problem, or give you info... it's great!! It's also great to just be able to vent to people who know what you're going through!!



Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:08 pm
by dramaqueendaisy
Hi Ariel

I got braced 3 weeks ago and I have ceramics top and bottom. That was my ortho's choice not mine...I was expecting to get metals on the bottom because that seems more common (according to this site). I'm really pleased with how they look.

AND I also have a nose stud. If I can get away with it and braces at 38 then you definitely can. I love my stud and I'm learning to love my braces...! :heart:

Good Luck!

New to this site

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:49 pm
by Cheffy
I'm new here and basically looking for anything that will be helpful in my futrue treatment. I'm in my 40's and had my lowers on oct 13'07 and uppers march 13'07. I've had more trouble eating than i expected but that's ok! I'm keeping my eyes on the prize. I will be having upper and lower jaw surgery for an over bite, that has always brutally bugged me. I'm sure some people don't understand why now, but financilly it has not been an option for me until now. I say why not now. I will have the rest of my life to be without the stigma that has drug me down all my life! Finally! I hope to take a lot of advise and comfort from this site and hope i can help some one else along the way!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:43 am
by ariel86
thank u all for the advice! i will definitely keep my stud! now im getting used to it and i really like it and i think ill keep it for the year or until i finish school! :D my bday is in exactly 2 weeks now, i have to admit that i feel stress from that, like sometimes i think "aaa do i call them and cancel everything??" and then i think "no i will do it!" and it goes on like that im kind of confused but i WILL do it! i'm going to the ortho tomorrow (well today, its 3 am) for more impressions ( i dont know why i have to do them for a second time though...) so i can ask him all my questions :wink:
anyway, i wish u all a good easter weekend!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:28 pm
by ariel86
hi! i went to the ortho today, as i told before, and i have some good news! he said he can put ceramic on my bottom teeth (only on the 6 most visible)! And since he told me that i feel more motivated for the treatment!!!!!
im very happy! :-*

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:09 am
by dramaqueendaisy
That's fab news Ariel

I've got ceramics on 8 of my bottom set (I've only got 12 teeth there now!) and two metal molar bands with the very back two on either side totally naked!

Glad your so motivated now... :D When's your Braces Day??

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:18 am
by mbarbi
hi! welcome to the new here myself :)