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how many CONSULTATIONS did youu go to before choosing ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:08 pm
by oneal34
i went to one today that required a $1500 down payment :?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:20 pm
by lionfish
I had a consult as a teen, wasn't happy with the ortho and happily things went no further. Several decades (and much more wisdom) later, I had another consult and signed up on the basis of feeling comfortable with the ortho and office staff. I know what they say about getting multiple consults, and the reasons for doing so are good, but I've been happy with my choice. If I'd elected to pay as I went, I'm pretty sure a deposit was involved (I paid the full amount up front and got a 5% discount).

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:27 pm
by dallison
I just went to one. I know everyone around here recommends shopping around first, but this is what was best for me. My brother's girlfriend works in a dental clinic, and she set me up with my consultation and all my other appointments. The dentist and ortho she works for are some of the best around where I live, so I'm not concerned at all.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:31 pm
by Pepper
Maybe I should've looked around more, but I just went to one. My orthodontist's office has been considered the best in town over the years, and my orthodontist has done a good job of carrying that on.

I didn't have any huge or odd problems with my teeth, so we (my mom and I) figured that what he had to say would be what the others would have to say anyway, and we went for it because we felt comfortable with him and his staff and plan.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:32 pm
by dallison
Originally posted by: lionfish
If I'd elected to pay as I went, I'm pretty sure a deposit was involved (I paid the full amount up front and got a 5% discount).
That is similar to my situation. I could put a deposit down, but its not a set amount. A guy that just got his braces on when I was waiting in the office for my consultation, put a down payment of $1,000 down. After that, the office staff figured out what the monthly payments would be based on the deposit he put down.
Thanks to my boyfriend, I will be paying the full amount (well, I guess the boyf will be haha) when I get them on, so I will be given a 10% discount.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:07 pm
by jf74
I saw 2 so far ( also saw another one 7 years ago ;))

Since they gave me different treatment options I am going to see a third so see what he have to say.

I will decide who I choose from that point on.

The first 2 ask for a deposit of around 1500$ and the rest is in a monthly payment over 2 years

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:50 pm
by Kat
only 2

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:12 pm
by Betty Bat
I went to just one, also. I got two recommendations from my dentist - I didn't know anything about orthodontics, so he was a good place to start. I looked at the websites for the two orthos he recommended. One of them was more "kid-oriented" and the other talked about braces for adults. So, guess which one I went to? And, that was the only consultation I had.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:15 pm
by phanta
I went to see 5 orthodontists. Even though I ended up with the very first ortho I visited, I'm very glad I got more opinions/price comparisons.

If I just saw one, I'd always worry 1) is this the best treatment plan for me? 2) am I getting the best value for the $?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:02 pm
by Mommynbraces
I went to three consultations before I heard what I wanted to hear. My braces will cost $2,946 with retianer included. My husbands insurance will pay $1,500. The insurance will pay for the retianer which is $516. This leaves me with $930 out of pocket wich comes from our spending account. I may or may not need a frenectomy. Keep in mind it took me five years to find the right one.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:49 pm
by Granola
I had four consultations.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:21 am
by Lisa65
I just saw the one. There aren't as many orthos in the UK anyway and I think mine was one of only 2 in a town of around 60 000 people.

Everything about him felt right. He immediately recognised I was interested in the actual treatment and not just the outcome and that I wanted to discuss treatment options with him and be involved in the decision process of what went on, and he was happy with that.

He jokes with me that I'm in effect treating myself and he is just the mechanic :lol:

Money-wise, I had to pay for the consultation (they are not usually free in the UK) and once I agreed to treatment I put down a deposit followed by 12 monthly payments.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:24 am
by raninhas
Before I went to see an ortho I subscribed an insurance, just for dental procedures. I pay 8$ a month (which is nothing!) for the insurance, and my treatment is not expensive at all! I chose this office out of my insurance's list, and it's a 5 minutes walk from my house.
I loved the staff, and coincidently one of the assistants is the mother of a friend of my sister.
I'm upper braced, right now, and will be bottom braced, as well. I'll use a lingual bar (bottom), then the contention bars (upper and bottom), as well as the two retainers (upper and bottom). So, in the end, I'll have used 7 different apparels, and the total cost, get this...of all of the,866$!
And my monthly apptm cost me only 40$. It's pretty unexpensive. I went to see another ortho a few years ago, whi was also my dentist at the time...and he asked me 4000$ just for upper and bottom braces!
What a rip off..
I'm glad I went with my choice. Now I go to that office for my ortho and my dental apptms. And I've also subscribed this insurance to my parents, and my dad is already going there!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:08 am
by Mommynbraces
Money is not an object but it matter a whole heck of a lot when putting your self in braces and your 15 year old daughter with your 11 year old son following behind. This orthodonitist was willing to work with me if I agreed to bring the children for treatment also. This in return gave him three extra people for future patients. The price was not the only thing that attracted me to this office. It was actually the orthodontist chairside manner and his ability to explain to me what was going to happen and wanted my feedback about my treatment. I was also attracted to the way he said that If I wanted to avoid a frenectomy it was my choice and showed me a computer generated progress session of my treatment. No other doctor could do that.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:06 pm
by thesallymonster
I had 3 consultations, and the third time was a charm for me, because that's who I chose, and I have no regrets.