How long with the soft foods? Please tell me it gets better

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How long with the soft foods? Please tell me it gets better

#1 Post by 3Scorpios »

Please tell me this gets better! :? My braces have been on since last Wednesday (will be 1 week tomorrow) and I'm no where near being able to chew real food yet. I *may* be able to chew something super soft on my left today, but NO WAY biting on the front or on the right..... instant shooting pain! UGH!

The good news is I'm slowing using less wax, I went almost all day yesterday without any but then couldn't take it anymore! :lol:

Anyway, just wanted some feedback.... I am *trying*, but so far the pain doesn't justify the pleasure. However, I'm pretty much over soup and yogurt by now (although I don't mind treating myself to milkshakes :wink: ) I'm assuming it doesn't stay this way, as I see pre-teens eating all sorts of stuff with seemingly no troubles.... is it just worse for adults? How long can I plan on this grief?!? THANKS!

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#2 Post by fitchick »

The good news is Yes it gets much better! It seems a while ago now but I think I ate soft foods for about 2 weeks, partly because my teeth were tender, partly because the chewing teeth didn't meet and a big partly because I was scared I would snap one of my various appliances! Whenever my teeth or gums throb I remind myself that pain is good because that means that my teeth are moving. It helps if you know the pain is a positive pain. You will progress to 'proper' foods anytime now.

As for the wax and ulcers, take KK's advice with saltwater rinses. I find rinsing with mouthwash helps too. It will be worth it 3Scorpios, hang in there. :lol:

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#3 Post by Ives »

It will get better, some people just take longer than others. I FINALLY had a cheeseburger last saturday, was able to just tear into it like my braces were not even there. It was awesome. Had to slowly build up to that point but it was worth it. First 2 weeks was soups and yogurt. Still eat lots of yogurt ( not because of braces, just like yogurt :wink: ). My first full adjustment is this monday, april 9th. Will see if I take a step back after that, hopefully just a day or two, than back to cheeseburgers.


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#4 Post by loulou123 »

Hi there

It really does get better, but kiwikarens right, itll only get better if you keep trying to eat normally. Im 9 months into braces now and will be 28 in a few months and ive pretty much been able to eat whatever i want apart from the 1st few days and perhaps a day or two after adjustments, so i dont think age has alot to do with it.

If anything i was eating things which were to hard as i managed to break my archwire twice in 24 hours nearer the beginning of my treatment! Lol :shock: Obviously this isnt advisable, but it was also due to the wire not staying put in the back bracket properly.

I can honestly not think of anything i am completely unable to eat, obviously i wouldnt recommend toffees etc! but i do manage to chew gum, carefully but thats more because of a tangleing issue than pain! :lol:

Think im right in saying that chewing actually helps your teeth feel better as it encourages blood flow to the gums.

Good luck and stay positive it does get better.


Ps-theres nothing to be ashamed about wearing wax its your friend and i still wear it 9 months on.

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#5 Post by ABraces2007 »

Hi scorpion.
Like others said, you might have chewing problem first week or two, i did have it as well, and i stil can`t bite anything using my front teeth- they are too sensitive, but i`m eating almost everything, just taking my time and working hard with a knife cutting food in small pieces and chewing it using my left side molars. Sometimes i think i look like an anorexic girl eating in a restaurant, like cutting food in small pieces and taking too much time to eat, well, anyway, at least i can eat in this way, cause my first week with soups and mashed potatoes was too bad.
I pretty like McDonalds food now, especially filet-o-fish- its so soft and is full of calories.
Oh, by the way, if you don`t want to get slimer, try to find soft food with more calories . I constantly do it, cause i`m very skinny, so, i need to replace those calories i loose without eating steaks with something i do eat, so, just consider that braces let you eat food full of calories that other people can`t eat because they care about their weight...

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#6 Post by allasmom »

Yes, it does get better. I remember that, more than the pain, I was more fearful that my braces were going to scrape against each other when I chewed and were going to come off in my mouth! I was terrified I would swallow them and they would tear up my insides, LOL. Seems silly now because nothing has popped off, it was just my wild imagination.

It does take a lot of getting used to. When you're ready to expand to solid food, try cutting regular food into small pieces to start. I went out for pizza about a week or two after getting braces. At that point, I was chewing better, but it was still too difficult to bite into things like sandwiches (and pizza) using my front teeth. Taking the fork and knife and cutting it into bite-sized pieces helped a lot. Just take it slowly and you'll soon be eating normally again.

Best of luck!

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#7 Post by nickym »

Hi 3Scorpios, I know how you feel. Until a couple of weeks ago I was in exactly the same position. It feels like you'll never be able to eat again doesn't it? But 4 weeks into my treatment and I can eat pretty much everything I could before, unless it's really crunchy. I think kk is right, you just have to be brave and try and chew, and the more you do that the easier it gets. On the bright side I've lost weight since having my braces on, despite the milkshakes and jelly in the first couple of weeks :wink: Good luck with the braces, it gets easier, honestly!

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#8 Post by nickym »

Hi 3Scorpios, I know how you feel. Until a couple of weeks ago I was in exactly the same position. It feels like you'll never be able to eat again doesn't it? But 4 weeks into my treatment and I can eat pretty much everything I could before, unless it's really crunchy. I think the others are right, you just have to be brave and try and chew, and the more you do that the easier it gets. On the bright side I've lost weight since having my braces on, despite all the milkshakes and jelly in the first couple of weeks :wink: Good luck with the braces, it gets easier, honestly!

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hunger pains

#9 Post by aschelkin »

Hi there! Just wanted to start off by saying we have the same "brace day". I was really sore during the first few days. I actually cried on the second day because I was frustrated from not being able to eat and being soo hungry. It has been feeling better partly from taking ibuprofen every 4 hours during the first 3-4 days, and partly from dealing with the pain and trying to eat as much as I could.

I am still somewhat sore, and my front teeth are the by far the worst (they almost feel loose, like baby teeth when I was a kid). My biggest accomplishment so far was eating a grilled cheese sandwich without having to cut it up into tiny pieces. I can't say it was completely comfortable, but the taste of solid food (especially bread) somewhat made up for the discomfort.

I have been feeling better but today I woke up with strong soreness on my back molars. I'm not sure if this is normal (maybe they are moving) or if there is something wrong as they felt fine yesterday.

I'm SURE that our teeth will feel much better (perhaps almost normal) by this weekend. Good luck and keep me posted - I'm interested to see what kind of progress you and your teeth are making. Are you in regular metal, ceramic, lingual, or Damon braces? (I am in Damon); have you seen any movement yet?

Best of luck!

~ Scott ~
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#10 Post by ~ Scott ~ »

I'm 18 with braces, so perhaps I can't give you much help on how 'adults' feel on eating foods after adjustments etc. but personally if my teeth are hurting I just eat what I normally eat and try to stick it out. I know that seems maybe a silly approach but I get used to the pain after literally days, so it's not too bad. :)

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#11 Post by sarahann77 »

When I first got my lowers on I couldn't eat most things for a week. I was on vacation so finding things at fast food places were trials. I attempted chicken salad and fruit. The fruit was more the issue with pain, biting into grapes. Also more afraid of breaking things. Cheesecake was my friend, though not to my butt! :-)

When my uppers were put on, I was only on soft foods for maybe a few days.

This past Monday I just had power chains put on both upper and lower. I'm back to soft foods. I have more pain from the lower than anything. I attempted a hot dog and it was not soft enough lol. Same thing with pasta...but I'm trying.

I would suggest at least try semi-soft foods. See what works for you. I didn't bite into sandwiches for almost about a week when the lowers were on. That was more due to the bite not the pain.

I happen to love a shake recipe that I make when I'm back to soft foods so maybe I just enjoy the time better.

I did attempt to gum a lot of foods. I'd advise that trying to gum down potato chips or cheese puffs hurts lol.

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#12 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Had braces on 10 days ago and couldn't eat for the first week but I can eat more of less everything will get better!! Don't worry.

With hard foods like apples you can cut them into small sections, rather than biting into them which helps. Oh and peel them first aswell.

Pasta meals are good as they are soft but still chewy.

Chocolate Muffins are good too!!

Theres still plenty that you could try eat without too much pain, and as others have said, the more you try to eat the better it gets!

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#13 Post by idolfan4 »

Don't worry. Sooner or later, the pain will subside and you'll be able to chew again. I know getting use to braces may take a while, especially with eating, but in the end, it'll be totally worth it. I know, because I've had my braces on for over 20 months now and when I first had braces, it was hard for me to eat and I was in just as much pain as you were. So hang in there and hopefully, you'll get use to your new braces.

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#14 Post by 3Scorpios »

Thanks to those of you who sympathized! :lol: It's now morning of day 10 and it's getting MUCH better. I can bite using my sides and pretty much chew anything, just nothing too hard/crunchy or I get shooting pain but normal stuff is fine. I ate a burger the night before last by cutting with knife/fork and had no troubles. Just not ready to bite with my fronts yet, they are still very tender (although I did bite a biscuit with them yesterday morning... progress!) :D

Hang in there to any newbies reading this... it *does* get better!! Just not looking forward to my first adjustment! :P

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#15 Post by mbarbi »

i'm on my 2nd week and i'm still eating soft food...mainly steamed fish (since i'm also trying to lose weight :lol: )...but soft foods like cake and ice cream doesn't help :lol:

haven't tried biting with my front teeth teeth doesn't hurt anymore but im just afraid to try..i know i should be starting...maybe this week :wink:

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