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Problems with Choking: advice needed please!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:33 am
by KatK
Hi All,

I have wires that hang down from a pendulum appliance. My ortho just recently braced the bottom of my teeth, so now I have that also. My ortho says i have 6mm worth of space (the amount i need) but wants to give the pendulum 2 more months in order to go past what I need to help stop relapse once it comes off.

My problem is that with my two molars back are so far and with the wide space, I'm having a hard time chewing!! Not only that but since I chew further back now food keeps getting tripped up in my wires and then it dislodges again and goes straight down my throat - causing me to choke because I haven't finished chewing! I'm still shaking from the worst incident that just happened about 10 minutes ago - soft chicken got caught and went straight down and i couldn't breath!!!!! I feel like I can't deal with this for 2 more months... maybe I should just stick to soft foods? But for 2 months? Won't this weaken things? Any ideas from anyone has had any kinds of problems like this??


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:45 am
by KatK
OK, I feel very silly because a very similiar thread was JUST posted about this with an article about a little boy this happened to. So sorry for the repeat. Still does anyone have any advice?? I can't eat ANYTHING without almost choking these days!

I hear you

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:38 pm
by spacersarentfun
I feel your pain!! I have only had my braces for 6 days and I keep thinking how can I live the next two years with this TPA device in my mouth. I eat slow and still can't seem to get the eating thing down. I keep thinking please god don't let me choke. I hope it gets better.... :wink:

I hear you

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:38 pm
by spacersarentfun
I feel your pain!! I have only had my braces for 6 days and I keep thinking how can I live the next two years with this TPA device in my mouth. I eat slow and still can't seem to get the eating thing down. I keep thinking please god don't let me choke. I hope it gets better.... :wink: