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6 month anniversary and 6th adjustment and Curvy Wire

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:50 am
by tyrablu
So I have had these babies in for 6 months now and I must admit I have seen alot of movement. The most movement I have seen is on the bottom arch, most if not all of the major spaces are gone. The top arch is slowly slowly coming along I guess (just not at the rate in which I would like).

For my adjustment on Monday I was given two new wires, one was a kind of curvy wire on the bottom arch, does anyone know what that is supposed to do? I was too busy texting a friend to ask :oops:

I also got a new power chain on the entire top arch instead of just the front 4 like the last time.

So I guess things are coming along I just have to excercise a lot of patience (not my strong point).

Till next time


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:31 am
by Rickysa
Did the wire look kinda like a potato chip from the side?

If so, it's called a "reverse curve" archwire and is used to open up a deep bite.

Dr. S

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:25 pm
by tyrablu
As a matter of fact it did look kinda like a potato chip. She did mention that I had a deep bite.

Next time I will pay more attention to what is going on.

Thanks Dr S.