My Orthozilla story - opinions, please?

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My Orthozilla story - opinions, please?

#1 Post by maneater82 »

I'm normally a lurker but after my visit to the ortho today, I'm a bit steamed and need to vent and get other opinions...

Let me start by saying I've gone through the foster system as far as orthos go (3 in the last 3 years, courtesy of the office I go to, for various reasons). The last one I had, he had everything almost done when he was fired from the office for some reason and replaced with Dr. X. My first visit with Dr. X, I explained that the previous ortho had pretty much done everything, he had said the only thing left was bands, which at the time of the last appointment, he said I most likely wouldn't need. Dr. X said great, let's see, and this is where it all began...

He had a dental assistant (RDA) working, not an ortho one. This woman, bless her heart, she was very friendly but couldn't figure out something as simple as how to get the Damon doors open - odd considering that all of the transfer patients had Damon braces. After 15 minutes of pulling-prying-poking me in the gums with the tools they use, she managed to get the powerchain off my lowers and get the doors open. Then she couldn't figure out how to get the wire out. Five or ten more minutes of using the wrong tools, she's still trying to get it out and she calls the ortho in (who, BTW, was at another chair with another patient). He comes in, whoosh - wire's out! Easy. Time to change wires... except for one small problem. The previous ortho had stuck me in the largest wire he could, since my treatment was about over. It was the last one they needed to use. So there technically was no wire to change - especially since Dr. X used different brackets (the more traditional metal or ceramics with ligs), he didn't even have the right wires. :roll: The last ortho took off with them, they said. Time to stick the old wire back in and put a new powerchain on. ... 15 minutes later, the assistant calls the ortho back in. (No, I'm not exaggerating on the time!) She'd gotten about half the wire back in, couldn't figure out how to get the other side back in and needed his help. He came back in, stuck the wire in and told her to shut the doors. She managed to get the doors shut, then started working on the powerchain. My suspicion is that she was using the wrong tool to pull it on; it kept snapping and making weird noises, not the normal quick-tug-and-pull that the last assistant did. And it was painful. :shock: Once that was on, she had to put my modules back in (that's what the last ortho called them; I don't know the 'real' name, but they were black bands that pulled a couple of my upper teeth together and yet seemed to not have any real purpose). She put them in weird; usually they matched each other as far as where they looped and went over the bracket, this time they were backwards from each other and just looked off. I asked the ortho if that was okay, or did he need to fix it. He said no, they were fine. When he went in to snip the ends of the wires, the bracket on my back left molar popped off, to which he said, "Oh, you won't need that." Good news? Debanding was set for April 19th. I was a bit weirded by the visit, but over the moon over the news of debanding.

Today's visit was because about three days after the last appointment, one of my back right molars went crooked to the rest, after having been perfectly aligned for over a year. I went in and explained to the office that I wanted the ortho to help me, not the assistant, because I was worried her inexperience is what had caused this in the first place. The ortho came in and looked around, took the power chain off... and here's where I got upset. My crooked tooth, according to him, is because I also have a filling on that tooth that is now pushing itself out of alignment. (But it was straight and fine before!) He said he could take off the bracket and re-position it, but it might be better to just put another wire in and see if that helps. He also mentioned that the same molar on the other side was crooked... which is the same molar that had the bracket pop off before! And it's NOT crooked. If it were, I'd be crabbing about that one too! I mentioned that the wire I had was supposedly the largest one they could use with Damon brackets, to which he said "oh, I got new ones for my patients" and wandered off. He came back with a wire that he mentioned he used with his patients in traditional brackets (I didn't even know those wires could fit in Damon brackets!?), tried to put in the wire, and it wouldn't fit. He said ok let me bump it down a wire, disappeared and came back with another wire. It fit, but was hard to pull into that crooked molar. He never re-positioned it. THEN he dropped the ball... I was asked to come back in 8 weeks. No debanding on the 19th as previously stated. He wants to keep them on so he can 'try' to fix the molar (which was fine before his assistant got her hands on my teeth :evil:) and then 'detail' my teeth... but i don't see any detailing to be done, they're straight and aligned aside from the molar, and even with the wonky molar my bite is fine. :cry:

I won't even go into the fact that the 19th is actually the 4th debanding date I've been told and had not come to fruition for some reason or other; I know in orthodontics, unfortunately, that happens. This time just really irked me, because I feel it's their fault that I've had it pushed off again, and I'm worried that by putting me in some random arch wire is going to make my teeth even worse. Not to mention I now have the gut feeling this orthodontist has no idea what he's doing. :x

I've already told myself I would call the office in the morning and talk with the secretary who I have the best relationship with, and explain to her how frustrated I am with the new guy and what's happened, and see if I can't just have him fix the molar and call it a treatment (given he will go through the impressions for a retainer and all that - I'm not giving up and leaving myself vulnerable!) Sorry for the long rant, today just really upset me and I needed a sounding board... and any suggestions for how best to handle this with the office/ortho is appreciated.

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#2 Post by jennandtonic »

I would definitely call and talk to someone up there about what has gone on since that other orthodontist left. You are the one being treated and you deserve better care than that. Do you have any other option as far as orthos go? I know it is late in your treatment, but it sounds like that ortho doesn't have any idea what went on in your treatment, which is concerning. I would suggest telling that secretary, or whoever you can talk to at that office exactly what has gone on and mention all of your concerns.

Let us know how it goes, maneater!

Clairey Fairey
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#3 Post by Clairey Fairey »

:( Sorry to here your are having a bad experiance at the minute. I bet your ortho will never actully admit it was his assistants fault even if he knows it was.

Personally I would just go in and have a rant at your ortho hinself, you have a right to know excatly whats happening with your treatment and where they are going from here. Don't leave until you know excatly whats going on and explain your concerns. You are a paying customer and it's your teeth, you have every right to know whats happening and to express your concerns.

Good Luck and fingers crossed for debanding soon :-)

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