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Can braces help to bring through wisdom teeth?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:57 pm
by nickym
Hi, I've had my braces on for 5 weeks and recently I've had an infection in the gum around my wisdom tooth. My wisdom teeth are practically through, there's only about a mm or two left to go, but my dentist said it can't come thought completely and I should ask my ortho about having the teeth removed so I don't keep getting infections. This seems a bit drastic. Does anyone know if it's possible that the braces will help to bring my wisdom teeth through?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:27 am
by SnowSara
Infection is the main reason to remove wisdom teeth. I still have mine with no problems, but one time my dental assistant hinted that I should just get them out since I have good insurance. I was like, wait... there's nothing wrong with my teeth, why take them out?? But she had a point, I could avoid the potential cavities and infections if I just got them removed. But I didn't, and my ortho didn't see any reason for them to come out yet, either. What's odd to me is how they aren't braced. They're just sitting back there while the other teeth get pushed around. Slackers!

Before getting braces I was hoping that my wisdom teeth would help push my teeth together and close up some gaps, but no luck, my gaps just kept getting wider! I guess I have a lot of room for teeth!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:11 pm
by nickym
Thanks guys, will ask my ortho about it. Would rather not have them removed as I've heard it's quite unpleasant, but I guess it might be better in the long term. I haven't got braces on my wisdom teeth either so they're staying where they are for now. My next adjustment is in a few days so I can ask my ortho then.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:15 am
by Clover
Braces can bring partially erupted wisdom teeth through. I'm having lower jaw advancement to correct an overbite, and my OS prefers to have the lower wisdom teeth removed beforehand. However, my first molar on the left had been root treated and capped, and looked like it was going to have to come out at some point. Rather than extract the healthy, partially erupted wisdom tooth, the first molar was extracted instead. My ortho will use my brace to close the gap and bring the wisdom tooth out and over.

So it can be done, although I can't say if it's an option in your case or not, best to check with your ortho. Good luck! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:33 pm
by jennielee81
I had 2 of my wisdom teeth out because of infection. I had it done when I was about 35 yrs old.

It wasn't that bad, REALLY! I was terrified of having them out for my whole life. I was so afraid of it that I even stopped going to the dentist from my late teens until my late 20's.

When I got that infection, my dentist was very persuasive and I had it was even impacted. I only had 2 out because I was still so chicken, I wish now I'd done all 4....

Like Maryaten says, if you follow the post op procedures completely, you will do just fine.

There really wasn't even any pain or swelling. I had heard so many horror stories about that, but they were just stories....fiction.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:23 pm
by SnowSara
That's good to hear. As long as my wisdom teeth are in there I will have this fear in the back of my mind, but now I know it's not necessary. If I can commit to 18 mo in braces I can do a little oral surgery! Still... would be nice to not ever have it!