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Should i wait until my adjustment to fix loose bracket??

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:10 pm
by looloog
A bracket came loose today, and no, i wasnt eating a tootsie roll like last time :wink:
I have an adjustment in two weeks, will it be ok to wait until then to get it fixed?
I know, i should call the ortho (its too late in the day now), but im a little embarrassed that it happen again! This time i was eating bread, and i heard a pop.
Just dont know if waiting 2 weeks is a good idea, or others have done the same thing.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:45 am
by ABraces2007
hey loolog,
when i had my one of my braces popped, i called my ortho and she told me to go to her office immediately, so, i had my bracket fixed in about half an hour after loosing it, so, after that i asked her what if one of them pops on weekend, then she told me that if it happens on weekend , i should try to keep that bracket in its place till monday and on monday i would be the first patient of the day...
i don`t really know what it can cause, but i know two weeks are too much to wait.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:00 am
by WiredforSound
I think you should call your Ortho and let them decide if your bracket can wait the two weeks or should be replaced sooner.

I have a problem with one of my brackets too and couldn't decide if I should wait until my next adjustment. Finally I just called and am glad I did, as I was told to come in this week and get it fixed rather than waiting.

Don't be embarassed about it. It happens to lots of people!!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:57 am
by Betty Bat
Can't hurt to call and find out.

And, I am saying this as someone who just called my ortho because I think that one of my brackets is open. After my last adjustment (6 days ago), I noticed that something seemed to be rubbing against my lower lip. I thought it would go away - I used wax and I even used salt water rinses, neither of which I've needed in over a year! Well, I took a close look at my brackets - used a magnifying make-up mirror and my reading glasses, and I thought one of the brackets looked different than the others. I also thought that it felt like it did when I was getting my wire changed and the brackets were open. This morning, I made my poor, dear, very patient husband look at my bracket with the magnifying hand lens that we use for looking at plants. He agreed that one of the brackets looked different - he could see the wire in it.

So, after a quick call to the ortho, I'm going in tomorrow to see what the problem is. They would have given me an appointment today, but tomorrow is better for my schedule - and I've already waited 6 days!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:08 pm
by looloog
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I just called the orthos office and will go see them thursday at 10am. It seemed like the reason was more due to time constraints than anything else. the receptionist said that they may not have time to re glue it during my adjustment, so its best I come in to take care of it now.
I feel better that i called.