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Closing loop wire finally on...then taken right off :(

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:02 pm
by mominbraces
Hello everyone,

Some of you may know that I have been
waiting a long time for a closing loop wire to
eliminate very large frontal gaps (between
incisors and canines). I got a CLW (ortho
pronounces it "claw") on the lower arch a
month ago, which was great -but my
lower gaps are not that noticeable so it
was the upper wire I was really waiting for.
So last week i finally got the upper CLW.
It hurt ALOT, but I was thrilled to be on
the road to gap-closure. Eventually my
teeth stopped hurting, but then the looped
part of the wire started tearing up my lip
so badly that I finally had to crawl back to
the ortho today to get it adjusted. He said
my lip was too injured, and removed
the CLW. He did put on chains so there will
still be some movement, but this is definitely
a two-steps-forward, one-step-backward
development. Grrrr!!!