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I'm worried.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:30 pm
by lz
I get my braces in the morning. I am getting them to fill the gap that was left when I had to have a tooth removed from root resorption. I did a search and I found many posts about resorption on here. I am just so scared that after I spend all this money on braces I get resorption AGAIN and have to have teeth removed I dont have alot of teeth left as it is. :( I am going to be sure and talk to my ortho about my concerns before I do this...... can anyone ease my mind a little? :cry:

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:16 pm
by becks
Lz, I am not familiar with root resorption or its recurrency rates so I can't offer you any words of advice to ease your mind. I do think this is something your dentist and/or orthodontist can explore and explain to you. Your concerns seem to be valid from what I've read. Try doing some google searches on the topic and see if you can't find some encouraging articles. This will also help you go into the discussion with your ortho armed with some knowledge and help you ask more pertinent quiestions.
Best of luck to you!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:38 pm
by looloog
I had root resporption in my front tooth. It was a tooth that had fallen from an accident when i was a child, later on i had a root canal and then resporption set in. I had the tooth extracted and the area where there was bone loss filled in with bone graft. I will be getting an implant when braces are off. I have read that bone grafting and implants can prevent future resorption. Perhaps you can ask you dentist/periodontist if they can at least fill in that area. Of course, you case may be different than mine, and your bone loss so small that your dentist was not concerned. I would ask them.
hope that helps a little.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:06 pm
by lz
Thank you for your replies.
I have googled but with no releif :(

They never told me anything about bone issues at all. I dont know if I had any loss at all to be honest.
My dentist doesnt seem to know much about resorption and my ortho he knows exactly why my tooth (bottom front) was taken out and the MAIN reason I'm getting braces but he didnt seem concerned at all. I will deff. be talkin to him about this.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:13 pm
by rsprouse
So the million dollar question is why did you have resorption on the extracted tooth? Was it internal or external? Did you suffer trauma at some point in your life? Any details about your situation you care to share?

The short answer is root resorption is not common and not likely to happen "just because".


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:01 am
by lz
Honestly I don't know if it was external or internal. I seen it on the xray it was a huge black spot on the root like a dot. It was so bad the tooth broke at that spot right in half when they pulled it. I don't know what caused it. I was seen by a Endodonist first to see if it was savable (wasn't) and he didn't know alot about it, and my dentist doesn't know alot about it either. :(

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:08 pm
by lz
I talked to my ortho about my concerns yesterday before I got braces.
He said that root resorption with braces is SOOO rare. He said that mine was probably from trauma many many years ago on that tooth and that braces causing resorption is totally different....
lets just hope it doesnt happen again :cry: would be HORRIBLE!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:22 pm
by lz
rsprouse wrote:So the million dollar question is why did you have resorption on the extracted tooth? Was it internal or external? Did you suffer trauma at some point in your life? Any details about your situation you care to share?

The short answer is root resorption is not common and not likely to happen "just because".

So do you think I should be worried? I am about making myself sick with worry just feeling my teeth move so much is making me so scared :(