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My bracket came loose

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:14 pm
by tracy729
One of my bracket became unglued. The wire is the only thing holding it from falling out. Has this happened to anybody. I sure hope my orthodontist can see me tomorrow to glue to back on.

This stinks - I made it 6 months with no problems and now this.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:24 pm
by tracy729
Thanks for the advice. I will call them first thing tomorrow morning when I get to work. My next adjustment is in 6 weeks. Could I wait that long with the bracket not glued to the tooth?

Here is a silly question: could I still brush that one tooth? Just be gentle?

Thanks again

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:30 pm
by starryadora
No...I don't think they would want you to wait 6 weeks to get that fixed;) That is a long time for that tooth to miss out on movement! Plus, if you have an archwire change scheduled for your next appt. they might not be able to progress to your next archwire if that tootj isn't where they expect it to be. Give them a call...I am sure they will be more than happy to schedule you a quick appt to put that back on;)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:38 pm
by becks
Agree w/ the previous advice. It's really not a huge deal and yes you can still brush it, floss around it, eat with the tooth, etc.

Re: My bracket came loose

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:04 pm
by bracesafter40
tracy729 wrote:One of my bracket became unglued. The wire is the only thing holding it from falling out. Has this happened to anybody. I sure hope my orthodontist can see me tomorrow to glue to back on.

This stinks - I made it 6 months with no problems and now this.
Tracy, call your Ortho immediately. I lost a bracket last Friday and had it replaced on Monday as they were not available until then. Loose brackets delays your treatment, so get back in that chair as soon as possible. Mine really poked me all weekend.
The initial missing story - ... acket.html
The repair story - ... r-now.html

Good luck with it; 6 weeks is too long to wait to get it glued back on!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:51 pm
by bracesafter40
Got you KiwiK. I talked with my Ortho about this very thing when I got my bottoms and she told me that losing a bracket will slow things down as that bracket not being in place will not allow the tooth to move properly.

So when I lost one a day later, I called right away.

Just an update

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:28 pm
by tracy729
I called my ortho's office this morning before 9am and had an appointment at 9:30am. They replaced the bracket.

I still do not know what caused the bracket to pop off.

Oh well - here's hoping to another 18 months of no more broken brackets.