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Am I the only one who's not self-conscious?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:09 pm
by markuhde
First of all, I mean no offense to anyone.. OK, so I'm getting my braces May 2nd (spacers this Wednesday!). Am I like the *only* person on this website who is not incredibly self-conscious about the idea or something?

I've just noticed that everyone on here seems to talk about how self-conscious they are and how hard of a choice it was to make to get braces as an adult. It was hard for me too, I ran in fear from the dentist but after getting my teeth in good shape and learning to enjoy the dentist (the last 4 fillings done without anaesthetic! That was actually a really cool experience that felt WAY better than when they use it. Totally painless afterwards and even the "pain" during it wasn't a BAD pain. It was kinda fun actually. Kinda electric shock like - just a really weird sensation)

Anyways, I'm REALLY excited to get my braces on. My best friend got hers off early last fall and her teeth look perfect and she recommended the ortho I'm going to and she tells me she misses her braces and that they're fun. She says only the spaces hurt and the sores the first week or so but she says by the middle of May I should feel great. She has prepared me for some of the adjustments to maybe be a little uncomfortable but mostly to feel good - she said the tightness is actually quite nice.

Now yes, I know she's 15 and I'm 23 and she was 13 when she got her braces on but still...

As for the looks thing. My teeth are ugly. Braces are kinda nice and you can have fun with them with colors and they cover up my teeth somewhat. That's an improvement, why is that something to be self-conscious about???

I don't know, I'm not criticizing anyone, I just find the level of self-consciousness in so many of your posts amusing. I'm excited for the day I get to have my braces! LOL...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:23 pm
by jf74
I am very excited to get my braces, I can't wait to have them :) So what if I have braces, I don't smile anymore, so I have nothing to lose on this side.

only that worries me is that each time I see an ortho it seems I get offered a different treatment and I don't know which one to choose ;)

once I have made up my mind I will be happy I am sure and have no worry

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:33 pm
by platinum
I was good looking before braces. Ugh. They really look bad.

I think If you an average looking person braces cant really mess your looks that bad. You dont get people stearing at you.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:37 pm
by markuhde
"I was good looking before braces. Ugh. They really look bad. "

My thought is they'll make me look younger LOL. I won't look as much older than my friends once I get them LOL... I still don't look much older LOL. Why do you think they look bad? Crooked teeth look worse than colorful braces you can have fun with...

I'm not sure I'd be as excited if I was getting Damon's or something where you don't get the fun colors!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:47 pm
by Delag
I think there are quite a few of us here on Archwired who are not a bit self conscious. In fact, many of us prefer metal over ceramic. I think that the people who are indeed self conscious just stand out on the board more because no one really posts about not minding braces. I truely feel for those who have a hard time with the look of braces, but I also think that most people adapt very well in a short time.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:00 pm
by iBorg
For many of us, as adults, we are initially worried about how those we deal with in our personal and professional world will perceive us. Once we get over that, braces become a part of life. Sure there's some hassles but they quickly become second nature. Am I self-conscious now? If so, not in a negative way. I am happy with my decision to do this and with my progress. I am proud of my wires and hope to be just as proud of my smile.


Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:30 pm
by mhiemstra
Wasn't all that self conscious myself. I am the girl who, on a yearly basis, ends up with orange hair because of experiments where I go from blonde to brunette/redhead, then go dye it back to blonde which always turns out badly initially :roll: braces were a laugh after that!

For some people I can see it being an worry, especially if they are looking for a job or something along those lines where the way you present yourself (and this includes externally and internally!) matters a lot. It doesn't help if you've got a mouth full of metal while trying to do those interviews! (or, in my case (high school student), dutch and english oral exams. :lol: )

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:33 pm
by markuhde
LOL, that's one thing I would NOT like if I was getting self-ligating (which I'm not) LOL.

The only one who's teased me about it is my mom. She's like "hey people will think you're younger than your girlfriend for once" (my "girlfriend" being the friend I mentioned who refered me to the ortho who is my best friend, not my girlfriend, but my mom doesn't believe us).

Everyone else has had no teasing to do, so I'm just excited!

The opposite of being self conscious

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:46 pm
by skyclad
I am going to show them off.

I had some doubts but now i will b happy 2 show them off.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:54 am
by acrobat
Delag wrote:I think there are quite a few of us here on Archwired who are not a bit self conscious. In fact, many of us prefer metal over ceramic. I think that the people who are indeed self conscious just stand out on the board more because no one really posts about not minding braces. I truely feel for those who have a hard time with the look of braces, but I also think that most people adapt very well in a short time.
i agree, i was one of those people who was very afraid to get braces because of how it would make me look and even more because of how people would react.
Well, i have them five weeks now (first adjustment tomorow :) ) and i hardly know they are there! I have full metal with coloured ligs.
Nobody says anything negative, nobody even looks weird at it and don't get less attention from men.
So i definatly don't think braces make me uglier :P

Actually, i think (as far as i'm aware of them) i really like my braces :D

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:18 am
by Lisa65
I'm not the least bit self conscious about wearing braces. I told my ortho I wanted metal over ceramics and that I wanted coloured ligs and power chains.

I am almost 42 years old.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:21 am
by Pepper
I wasn't too self-conscious. I was a bit nervous because it was a new experience for me and I hadn't told anyone (aside from my parents, of course, as they're my legal guardians - I'm 15), so I was slightly anxious, but not overly self-conscious.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:47 am
by LoobyLou
Markuhde, I'm glad you're excited about getting your braces. I was too and was sure I wouldn't be self conscious before I got them.

When they were put on I was more self-conscious than I thought I would be which surprised me. That soon wore off though and I forgot I had them and here I am 2 years on. However shopping in my local supermarket yesterday I saw someone a little further on whom I hadn't seen since before braces and I hoped he didn't see me because I didn't want him to see my braces. I know that sounds silly but my point is sometimes we can feel self-conscious when we least expect it! Not to say that you'll be like that though!

Good luck with your treatment! :thumbsup:

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:04 am
by jumbie
I choose the ceramics because I am in a management position where I deal with high end clients. I already look very young for my age, and I am young for having the position I have so I thought it would look more professional if I had the something less glaring on my teeth. I don't think I would be respected or taken seriously in my very chauvnistic industry if I had multi coloured ligs in whimisical combinations.Not that its right for ppl to judge on appearance that way but thats reality and a challenge I have to deal with daily.

Actually after I got the ceramics on the social six put in I realised that the ones in the back were self litigating. Speed was also one of my main concerns and I may have actually decided on all metal if I knew she had self litigating brackets option available. I had already decided that I was putting metal on the bottom as it was my problem area and I wanted it to be corrected asap. Now that I am getting the self litigating ones I am even more excited that I did not go for all ceramics. I think the combo was the best decision for my situation where I wanted to look professional but achieve my goal in the last amount of time.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:49 pm
by sarahann77
I'm actually not as self conscious as I thought I'd be. My only initial concern was more about guys who met me prior to getting them on who'd be worried about starting a relationship if they thought I couldn't be intimate with them. It didn't scare them away it turned out.

The only time I am self conscious is when I think food is stuck. Then it's a quick swish of liquid or head to the restroom. Though when I've looked in the mirror to see the damage it really isn't that noticeable so I'm not as worried as I used to be. I'm just more aware of which foods do the most damage in that aspect and stick more to the ones that don't if I'm in public. Or making sure I have enough time to brush after.

I actually smile, with teeth showing, more now than I ever did. Sure photos I don't smile with teeth but I did notice I do smile more.

I personally don't care what others think of me when I'm brushing my teeth in public. I've actually received a few "Good girl" comments. I also was aware of a few at work that do regularly brush their teeth after lunch.

I do play up the colors as I think it's fun.