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Quad Helix... Please Help!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:39 am
by ash0708
Hi all,

I am a newbie and I just recently received upper and lower Damon braces (4-5-07) and received my quad helix last Thursday (4-12). I am having so many problems with it! It has been 4 days and my tongue is torn up and I still can't swallow. I also have geographic tongue, and I think the quad helix is irritating me more than it would others. In fact, today is the fourth day and it has been the worst of all. I woke up with a bleeding tongue.

What should I do? Do you think I should call my ortho? I am really concerned.


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:58 am
by SDFD TSchott
I'm sure there will be more responces later but this is the one I think I would do. I would start Salt-water treatments at least 2-3 times a day to help heal the irratated spot along with toughen up the mouth.


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:06 pm
by ash0708
I honestly don't think I can take this one more second. I want to rip this dang thing out of my mouth!! I am calling my ortho tomorrow so we can talk about other alternatives. I did not sign up for this torture!! I sound like a baby, I know, but I can't even drink water b/c every time I do, my tongue bleeds. Wax won't stay up there, and I'm doing the salt water rinses to no avail. This is pure hades!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:52 pm
by Delag
Check this out - Brandy used flex bandaids to cover her expander after her SARPE surgery. I know there is is picture of the box she bought somewhere on her site as well. Here is the link - just scroll down a bit to see the picture. ... chive.html

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:49 pm
by ash0708
Just an update..

I called my ortho today and he got me in immediately. He took a look at it and decided to take it out completely. He is going to make me a different expander (I think it is removable) for my next appointment. Thanks for the responses!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:09 pm
by ssfw
Hi Ashley,

I am so sorry to hear that you had so many problems with the Quad-Helix expander. You did the best thing, you called your orthodontist. I am so glad he got you in so quickly :D . I bet just being able to get an appt. the same day was a big relief for you. I'm glad there was an alternative solution to the Quad-Helix. I think my ortho's office would have done the exact same thing. I do feel while going through ortho treatment, there may be times when there is discomfort, but you should never be in pain. My orthodontist and his staff always tells me never to hesitate to call them if I have any problems.

I had a Quad-Helix, and the first few weeks were a challenge but nothing like what you were going through. After a few weeks, the only time I thought about it was when I was eating.

I do hope you're feeling alot better now.

Keep us posted.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:19 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Glad you were able to take care of the situation Ashley, I'm hoping for the best that there will be better alternatives for your treatment.


PS: I like your name and continue to hope to follow your story.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:31 am
by GG
Hi Ashley,
i am new to this site. got my quad helix fixed yesterday and was a nervous wreck. was so sorry to hear you had so much trouble with yours. mine is very uncomfortable and awkward as hell but am trying to grin and bear it (pardon the pun).
how have you been getting on since?