braces and self-image

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braces and self-image

#1 Post by Irinadax »

I know that braces are suppose to enhance our self-image b/c we got them to fix our smiles in the first place. But i'm curious to know how you ladies deal with the 'self-esteem' issues that braces bring on? if any? I find that since i've had my braces I don't feel very 'attractive'. I really feel like a 'metal mouth', a 'brace face', you know, all the negative associations that go along with braces. I'm having a tough time dealing with this - perhaps it's b/c treatment isn't exactly progressing as I had hoped, or maybe i'm just negative, but I wonder what other ladies do? Do you find you smile less? just curious if i'm the only weirdo.......

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#2 Post by SnowSara »

A friend told me she noticed I smile even more than ever with my braces. Maybe I'm still in the "honeymoon" stage of having braces, but I was excited to get them and still love how I look in them. When the ortho assistant first handed me the mirror to see my new braces, I swore I grew freckles and lost 15 years!! I enjoy the youthfulness of them, and am having fun with colored ligs. It helps that everyone is so supportive, especially my lovely boyfreind ;)
Sorry you are feeling the way you are, but the more confidence you show, the more attractive you will feel!

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#3 Post by momof2grlz »

Wow, I've been so happy that I'm fixing my smile that I've smiled way more since having braces than I ever did before. I realized early on that most people don't really even notice if you have braces. There have been times during the process that I had more gaps than I would like, but I still smiled and felt confident because I knew any negatives were temporary.

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#4 Post by SnowSara »

Oh, and also, my male friends have confided that braces are very cute on a woman. Most people don't even notice, though.

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#5 Post by fitchick »

Pre-braces I thought that I'd look less attractive and shy away from certain situations to avoid people seeing them. Since having braces however its a very different story. I feel much more confident with them! I think this is because I am finally getting the horrible teeth that I had sorted out and that makes me feel good about myself, not bad. As Momof2grlz said 'no-one really notices that you have braces anyway'. And SnowSara has it spot on with
the more confidence you show, the more attractive you will feel!
I'd say go out there, feel very proud of yourself for doing this and it will boost your self esteem no end. Good Luck.
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self image..

#6 Post by LuvBug26 »

my fiance actually told me that i look like i feel better now that i have my braces on. i smile more, so he and my family says :D and i actually feel more self confident. i have no issues with people seeing my braces. it's nothing to be ashamed of anyway, it's what i wanted to do to make myself feel better. it's all about me and my self image, if i'm not happy then by gosh i'm going to make myself happy! my braces are going to make me look great in the end and i can't wait!! so to all you self concious women out there i say -DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO!! do it for yourself and no one else!!! :thumbsup:

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self esteem

#7 Post by aschelkin »

Hi there! I'll start off by saying that I'm 21 and got my braces on 3 weeks ago. I can somewhat relate to your self esteem issues surrounding braces. The first few days were a bit tough - I did not feel comfortable smiling in front of strangers and felt a little awkward seeing my friends for the first time with braces. However, I reasoned with myself and decided that it is not a big deal at all!! If somebody you know got braces put on, would you think any less/different of them? Probably not.

Braces are just small pieces of metal (or ceramic) on our teeth. They do not make us look too different, and are temporary. It isn't like our faces all of a sudden became deformed! I figure the more I think about my braces as a way of changing myself for the better, the better I feel about smiling. Nobody cares that we have braces - we aren't in middle school! I feel that if I can be confident and carry myself with pride, people will not think any less of me. If we avoid smiling and act shy we will attract negative feelings from people. Remember - no one cares that you have braces except for you. It is only a big deal to us!

As for smiling with braces: I think that before I got braces and smiled people may have thought "wow this girl has crooked teeth!". And I would much rather have them think "this girl is fixing her teeth, she must be confident in herself to take the step to wear braces at her age". I think if you think of your braces as a positive change you will smile more. And if you can be confident and positive with yourself while you're IN braces, think of the confidence you will have when they come off!!

Good luck and just remember - nobody cares about them as much as you do, you don't look ANY different (they are only teeth), and the way you hold yourself is the way people will think of you.

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#8 Post by skibunnie29 »

I understand about the self esteem. I will fully admit I was really upset when I found out I needed braces. Also I am terrified of the dentist. :)

I realized that I'm a very lucky woman. We have the opportunity to do something about our teeth, I realized this is WAY better then dentures or veneers that will have to be replaced every 10 years. With braces, I'll have a NATURAL healthy smile. I think it's well worth it. I am grateful for all the support I've been getting from coworkers my better half and his family. They are having a Braces party for me. :)
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#9 Post by serendipity »

Irinadax - It's completely normal to feel the way you do even more so if you are in the early stages of braces. It does get better - you just have to focus on the big picture. I got my braces off a couple of months ago and let me tell you it's really worth it when it's all over. The confidence that you may of lacked in having braces you make up for when you get them off.

Just remember why you wanted braces in the first place and view your "braces time" as a time of self improvement.

It's true what other posters said people don't notice braces like you would think and those that do may ask a question or two and then be on a totally different topic in 2 minutes. I actually had friends tell me they were jealous when I got my braces because they always wanted to do something about there teeth. Who knew?

Keep your chin up - you're still beautiful!

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#10 Post by Irinadax »

Thanks guys!!! your words of encouragement mean alot! I guess I've just been a little down on myself and everything can seem negative from that perspective. It's true that I am fortunate to even be able to AFFORD braces - think of all the people that can't?? I'm so very glad I brought this subject up here b/c I really needed the words of support. :D

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#11 Post by choccyface »

Before I had my braces fitted I used to get upset thinking about them. I thought I would feel like a freak especially as I was having 6 extractions beforehand. I imagined that I would be even more shy and even less confident than normal. Straight after my braces had been fitted (14 weeks ago) I was handed a mirror to look at them and I couldn't, I felt so low I though I might burst out crying!

I am pleased to say that all my fears and worries were soon forgotten once I had accepted that this is how it would be for the next 2/3 years and I got used to seeing myself looking different but not in a bad way.

I can honestly say that I love my brace now and my confidence is increasing. I didn't expect to feel like this, I'm proud that I am taking this positive step to improve my appearance. Its not been the ordeal that I thought it would be.

I did have one negative comment for a friend (ha!) I hadn't seen her for a few months and when I did she looked at my mouth and said "Blimey - no wonder you've not been out much" I was pretty gutted as I was really getting to like my metal mouth at this point and really didn't need to hear that.

I soon bounced back though and am really happy! :)


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#12 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Yeah I'm worried about peoples reactions, but I'm sure once everyone from work and college has seen the braces I'll be ok.

So far I have a ceramic brace on my bottom teeth. The top one will be fitted in just over a weeks time, No one has even noticed it yet, but my top teeth are much more promient tha the lowers so thats when people will start to notice.

Even so, I feel better about myself already, even before fully starting the brace treatment, just because it's a positive step to improve my teeth, which have held me back for years before. Infact if i keep feeling like this I think I'll smile a lot more with braces than ever before!!

We'll soon see....

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#13 Post by ccrisis »

Hi Irinadax,

Like many others here, I was extremely worried about how my braces would look and affect my self esteem. Also, I am in a sort of new relationship (a little less than a year when I got braced) and had no idea how my boyfriend would react. He was very supportive of me beforehand and thought I should absolutely do it -- but I was still concerned that once they were on he would hate the way they looked (and felt). I finally decided that this would be an excellent test of our relationship and that even though I'm crazy about this guy, I'd be much less crazy about him if he had a problem with my braces!!! I've been in braces a lilttle over a month now and my boyfriend thinks they look good and says he can't feel them at all. Also, like most folks here I feel much, much better about myself for correcting something that has bothered me for most of my life (I'm 44). I don't know about anyone else here, but I always felt ashamed for not doing anything about my teeth, but worrying about the look of the braces kept me from doing it. Even my mother (when I told her I was getting braces responded with "What the heck do you want to do that for? Why don't you just let your teeth stay crooked?) now says "you can hardly even see them" and "you're teeth are gonna look great in two years". Even when my mouth feels sore -- I know I'm doing the best thing that I've ever done for myself and don't regret it one bit. You are too, so here's to you!!! Be Proud!!! By the way, how long have you been in braces?
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#14 Post by Naranja »

I have been only a month and two weeks braced, but I can't tell it has affected my self esteem. In fact, I can say I feel good, because I'm doing something to improve my health (I really had bad teeth and that caused a lot of other health-related-troubles) even though I look younger, there are more good things than bad ones.

And as I'm 21, I'm in University, and some of my classmates have braces as well, others don't, some of them make funny jokes about my braces... and I laugh with them (I have to admit, they do good jokes sometimes :lol:, like puting on a giant magnet at the University, so I won't be late for class anymore). My friends are always cheering me up, telling me "oh, new colors on your ligs", or "woooaaahh your teeth are really looking better"... that always encourages me when I feel a little down, or when it hurts a little bit.

I'm guessing it's all about attitude. Being possitive, and be sure why are you getting started with orthodontic treatment.

Anyway, good luck :D

I hope you can understand my bad english and what I tried to post here ;)

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#15 Post by Clairey Fairey »

I don't know about anyone else here, but I always felt ashamed for not doing anything about my teeth, but worrying about the look of the braces kept me from doing it
Now you mention it - Same here!!

And my boyfriend has braces too!! So he can't say anything!! I'm sure our friends will be able to come up with some good kissing jokes!!

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