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Final Stages - Confusion

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:29 pm
by FlyingScotsman

Long time reader, first time poster here... I've been a visitor to this site almost since i started wearing braces almost two years ago now, and found this site sooo useful! Ok, brown nosing over lol

I'm in the latter stages of treatment, with the results quite spectacular if i do say so myself, with just one gap approx 3mm to close between a pre-molar and a molar on my top jaw. I'm wearing elastics from the top to bottom jaw, and a spring for extra "oomph" to help close it. I'm due to see my ortho in around 3 weeks, whereupon he will have expected that gap to have closed (i doubt it will have made it tbh).

Nevertheless, under this expectation, he had said that arrangements would be made to have my braces removed at the next appointment, which i was fairly stoked to hear. BUT, it occurred to me last night that isn't there normally a waiting period while your teeth are allowed to "remember" their new positions? My ortho seemed to suggest the braces were to come off very soon, or as soon as that gap closed anyway, but surely my teeth would need additional time to settle into their new final positions? A rather long winded question, I know, but i wanted to check what other people's experiences had been. While I can't wait to have the braces removed, I don't want them taken off too soon and run the risk of my teeth sliding about again!

Cheers! :D


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:39 pm
by maple
Hello FlyingScotsman,
Good question.

My assumption is that the "retention" stage is the stage with retainers. So I guess the teeth are expected to get in their position with braces and the retainers will assure that they stay there.

But I am not sure.


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:57 pm
by acehigh
But I was enjoying your brown Anyways, from what I've read and heard, after the braces come off you wear a retainer which holds the teeth in their new positions. I know after my treatment is done (18-24 months), I'll probably have to wear the retainer for about a year. I'm 4 months into it. :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:36 am
by jennielee81
I used to think that the braces had to stay on and hold things for a while after they are all straight, but that's not the case!

I got a few teeth moved slightly and then 2 weeks later got the braces taken off.

The retainers, worn 24/7, hold things perfectly while the new bone sets up.

I remember reading on here a few years ago from one of the former visiting docs that the teeth can't settle perfectly while still in braces...can't remember the why on this one...I hope I'm remembering this right.

Don't worry! The ortho knows what he's/she's doing...

Hope you post pictures here when you're all done!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:39 pm
by FlyingScotsman
Wow, thanks for the replies! I have to admit, the thought of what my teeth might do in the period between fixed brace and retainer had crossed my mind a few times, but it's reassuring to see that the settling will continue with the retainer. Och, not long to go now anyway, and you're right jennielee, I guess the ortho knows what he's doing! Thank you!