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Finally some progress with lower expander.On since November!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:07 pm
by Gennel
I stopped taking pictures of my expander progress because it has been extremely slow. I finally see and feel some difference. I think I'll be wearing this expander around 10 months before Iget them off! My ortho said to give it at least 9 months since he noticed my progress was stubborn I guess lol I got them on in Nov/06 so it's been about 6 months now.

Here is my pics from Jan/07

This is today April/07


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:41 am
by Lisa65
Definitely some progress there, you must be so relieved! Your top teeth are looking great, by the way.

Hope that dratted expander soon finishes its job. You've really been through the mill with it.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:33 pm
by Delag
I am so happy that you are seeing progress! I was just wondering about you and those stubborn molars the other day. I have some stubborn molars of my own so I can understand the frustration.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:51 pm
by Gennel
To be honest. I don't mind the waiting for things to finally get done anymore and get this damn expander off. My main frustration is all the unexpected painful accidents I've had with this expander. I still get a raw tongue at least once a week. The worst was earlier this week. Since the expander has stretched ,my tongue has to get used to it.This week I felt my tongue get stuck on the expander on myleft side and I could not pull my tongue forward or backward. I had no choice but to pull my tongue and the expander ripped a little piece of my tongue's skin right off like a piece of string cheese! I could not scream or make a scene because I was at my daughter's school fieldtrip! It's amazing how in 48 hrs it was healed . So far I think I have spent about $60 in dental wax! So far this is the longest I've been without wax, a whole week! lol I'm just sooo glad to see that I won't be needing a Plan B to upright these molars!


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:07 pm
by Danielle
My main frustration is all the unexpected painful accidents I've had with this expander. I still get a raw tongue at least once a week. The worst was earlier this week. Since the expander has stretched ,my tongue has to get used to it.This week I felt my tongue get stuck on the expander on myleft side and I could not pull my tongue forward or backward. I had no choice but to pull my tongue and the expander ripped a little piece of my tongue's skin right off like a piece of string cheese! I could not scream or make a scene because I was at my daughter's school fieldtrip! It's amazing how in 48 hrs it was healed . So far I think I have spent about $60 in dental wax! So far this is the longest I've been without wax, a whole week! lol I'm just sooo glad to see that I won't be needing a Plan B to upright these molars!
No, no, no!!! I'm getting one of these next month... when I saw it last week, I thought "Oh, I can totally handle that" but now I'm not so sure. Did it have a big effect on your speech?

Just out of curiosity... what was plan "B"?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:11 pm
by Carolinahigh12
Looking good.. How long did it take for you to get braces on the lowers? Did your ortho put the expander and the braces on at the same time, or did you have to go back for the lower braces? My ortho advised me that that would be part of my treatment and I was just wondering about the timeframe.